Blue Dream

Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
250 Pages
Reviewed on 07/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Tormented by dreams of fishing with a father of whom he has no memories, Dom decides to busy himself with the daily activities assigned to him in the technological paradise he calls home. All that changes when he discovers a deceased resident in her apartment during one of his runs. The elderly lady seems oddly at peace, and a sheet of paper with a biblical verse scrawled on it adds to the mystery surrounding her demise. He takes an immediate interest in this unusual scenario, wanting to experience it himself. He does not realize it yet, but his search for answers will lead him on an extraordinary journey of enlightenment in Keith Gillum's Blue Dream.

Keith Gillum creates a unique novel with a futuristic look at a novice's initial exposure to the Christian salvation message. Gillum gives the characters a remarkable degree of depth. Dom's origin story prepares readers for the extensive introspection he constantly conducts, translating into provocative questions between Dom and the different individuals he interacts with during the intriguing dialogue exchanges. The pace moves steadily, allowing readers to enter Dom's inquisitive mind as he evolves from a cosmopolitan worker into a thoughtful philosopher. Thanks to Gillum's unique storytelling style, the novel is as enjoyable as it is humorous, a tone evident in the different subplots spanning Dom's views on the message of the Bible, his unusual romantic relationship with Petunia, and the snippets of oddly interpreted biblical verses and subtle references to Dom's sexual prowess. Readers looking for something different will find Blue Dream an easy-to-read blend of comedy, science fiction, and religion.