Blueprint of Memories

The Breath of Siberia

Non-Fiction - Art/Photography
110 Pages
Reviewed on 08/10/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Olga Timofeyeva grew up amid the untamed beauty of Siberia, soaking up its rich natural heritage that left a lasting impression on her even as an adult. Blueprint of Memories is an enchanting collection of paintings wherein Olga captures the diverse flora and fauna as well as the essence of the uniquely colorful cultural and natural heritage of Siberia. These paintings are stories unto themselves, providing viewers with a glimpse into the very heart of Siberian lifestyle, culture, and heritage. The canvases include paintings of a Siberian province in winter, Sashenka's log, migratory birds, Altai in autumn, a morning covered in fog, a village covered in snow, a gloomy morning, sprawling lakes and small ponds, an old bridge, blue mountains, a girl in front of a mirror, a warm summer's day, and many more.

There is something wild about the seemingly serene landscapes of Siberia, and Olga Timofeyeva brings that onto the canvas with this captivating collection of paintings. Blueprint of Memories is a collection art enthusiasts shouldn't miss out on. The abundance of Siberian tundra is on full display in Olga's paintings, alongside its vibrant ecosystem where humans have managed to find a way to survive and thrive. The paintings evoke deep emotions and feelings as the more you look, the more you find yourself immersed in the stories they tell. For people who love art, this is tailor-made for you. I loved this book, and Olga's paintings have certainly made me more interested in Siberian culture and its wildlife. I heartily recommend it to everyone who appreciates art.