Born Dead - Die Alive

Cultivating a Humane Humanity with Technology

Non-Fiction - Inspirational
250 Pages
Reviewed on 09/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Born Dead: Die Alive takes a deep dive into the ways technology can help better human life and extend human lifespan beyond biological boundaries. Salma Noun is a business consultant to government executives and private companies with a background in engineering and digital management. In this book, the author explores political ideologies and society steering the course of technological innovation, the role of technology in shaping political landscapes, the economic impact of tech developments, as well as its ramifications on the human workforce, healthcare, etc. Noun also touches upon how algorithms are changing our day-to-day lives through social media and online platforms, and highlights the importance of ethical considerations in the digital age and the educational empowerment of the general populace. Part II of the book explores the potential of future technological innovation and its transformative effects on human life.

Born Dead: Die Alive offers a blueprint for technological progress and shows how it can be used to navigate the challenges of the digital age for the betterment of humanity. In this book, Salma Noun introduces readers to the ALIVE framework -- a model that seeks to bridge the gap between human needs, humanity, and technology. The book also delves into how the digital age can usher in an era where humans learn to enhance emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence through technological tools. At the end of each chapter, there are key takeaways so readers can fully grasp the topics discussed in the book. Toward the end, the author speculates about a potential future where biology and technology merge, opening the door for a technological revolution where humanity develops universal intelligence through AI and attains immortality. In conclusion, it's a relevant, informative, and educational book that I will highly recommend.