Burger Planet

Hungry Way Series

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 07/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

In Burger Planet by Shivangi Sharma, children will learn the importance of friendship and teamwork. Because of a misunderstanding, the citizens of Burger Planet decide to move away and join other planets, or even start their own. Will the Hungry Way ever be the same? How will peace once again rule the best fast-food planet in the galaxy? As your child enjoys reading the adventures of the ingredients, they will be learning valuable life skills and how important working together is. Will the ingredients be accepted elsewhere, or do they belong on Burger Planet? Clara Cheese and Bosshead Bread work together to show the other ingredients that each is important and add their flavor to the combination that makes Burger Planet the best place ever. Harmony and teamwork make each ingredient tastier than they could be alone.

The message in Burger Planet by Shivangi Sharma is taught by the planet’s citizens (ingredients) and their struggle to feel important and that they belong. This cute and fun children’s picture book is a great way to teach children that they need to appreciate differences and that they can accomplish so much more by working together. Teamwork is an important skill for becoming a productive adult. At the end of this book, Shivangi includes a maze and a crossword puzzle. This is a great book to help children understand that everyone is important in their own way. Learning to accept others and their differences will help children prepare for a future of unity and harmony in this world. I highly recommend this book. Be sure to discuss the importance of teamwork, acceptance, and harmony with your children.