Burn the Freeze

A Sci Fi Adventure in the Mind

Fiction - Science Fiction
309 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Asher Syed for Readers' Favorite

In Burn the Freeze by S.M. McVicar, Cal Shook navigates a dystopian world where the elite access universal information through advanced brain technology. After evading capture in Reno and securing a substantial reward, Cal is hired to steal the powerful X-2 headset, which enables control over local and nonlocal intelligence. Despite danger and betrayal, Cal collaborates to use the X-2, which allows transitions through realities, for financial insights and societal change. Teaming up with Maria Vargas, Dr. Ramona Cooly, and Jett Koyamatsu, Cal faces constant danger, betrayal, and psychological turmoil. Their mission is to use the headset to disrupt the control of the ruling billionaires and aid marginalized populations. Despite massive losses and peril, Cal remains determined to confront systemic corruption and effect societal change by any means possible.

“How am I going to die? I’d love to know what you can tell me about that since it seems like a lot of people seem to know more about my future than I do.” S.M. McVicar delivers a high-stakes cyberpunk style of fiction in Burn the Freeze, with all its best bells and whistles: a dystopian setting, high-tech/low-life disparity, corporate control, privatization, a fight against oppression, and mind and reality manipulation. I'm a classic lover of virtual reality world fiction, but have found that works like this one elevate the old style for contemporary readers. Cal is making money while fighting the good fight, but his character goes a long way in balancing the duality. McVicar's advanced technology, the X-2, exists as a reality-bending, sophisticated technology while the masses are living in squalor due to the Freeze Act. The writing is clean and fast-paced, the characters are fully fleshed out, and this is easily one of the most exciting books I've read this year.

Keith Mbuya

In 2022, thirty-one American billionaires agreed to help clear America’s huge debt and restructure, refinance, and service the nation’s economy. But there was a catch; they forced Congress to create the Freeze Act, which made them more powerful and richer. For ordinary American citizens, the Act robbed them of their hard-earned money, privileges, rights, and life. To make the billionaires’ strategy effective, the Freeze Act categorized Americans into social groups: Pupils and Sparks, the highest ranking, and Instigators and Deviators, the lowest. Cal Shook, an ex-war veteran designated a Deviator, realizes that things could get a lot worse. While running an odd errand for his billionaire handler, he discovers a technology that could access the nonlocal mind. It would mean bad news for Americans if the billionaires got hold of such technology. Cal finds himself treading a dangerous path as his life is now on the line, and he has to make tough choices that determine the future of Americans. Find out more in S. M. McVicar’s Burn the Freeze.

If you are looking for a dystopian science fiction novel with a touch of conspiracy and psychological thriller, S. M. McVicar’s Burn the Freeze is just what you should be looking for. Maintaining a fine line between reality and imagination, McVicar weaves an intriguing plot. I was whisked away from reality with vivid depictions and dropped smack dab into the middle of all the action in a future world where selfish and greedy gatekeepers controlled access to money and power. The edge-of-the-seat suspense and the plot twists kept me guessing as I turned from page to page. McVicar reveals the characters' emotions, giving the story a grip on reality, and allowing me to connect with the cast. Cal has lost everything to the system. It has taken his beloved wife, pet, and livelihood. Yet for all of these losses, not one party involved has been held accountable. The system still keeps trying to take more from him albeit he has nothing more to give. Cal's sharp wits, with the backing from like-minded deviators, and the fact that he has nothing to lose may just be all he needs to save America.

Foluso Falaye

Cal is a rebel who's trying to create change in a world heavily controlled by people who don't have much regard for the well-being of the people. He is also on a mission and determined to find and deal with whoever killed his cat, Smokey. However, he must battle the challenges of being identified as one of the top threats to the government and having a million-dollar bounty on his head. Also, he must find a way to access the power of the X-2 and tap into the possibilities it offers, like being able to burn the Freeze and change the world. Burn the Freeze by S.M. McVicar is a mesmerizing tale about a vengeful and rebellious protagonist, the power of the mind, and a spine-chilling dystopian reality. Cal races to destroy an evil reign that threatens to end his life and continues to wreak havoc on humanity.

The novel captures readers with a surreal atmosphere that inspires deep, meditative thoughts and otherworldly ideas. Repetition, immersive descriptions, and the characters' busy thoughts create a mind-bending narrative that's compelling from start to finish. McVicar nails the characterization since their distinct traits offer familiarity and endearment. For example, while Cal searches for a way to change society, his friend, Eddy, turns to God and religion. Apart from the metaphysical themes, readers experience intense action scenes and a well-developed dystopian world. Overall, Burn the Freeze combines fast-paced action with mind-blowing mental trips that will excite sci-fi enthusiasts and fans of The Matrix series. S.M. McVicar is a fine novelist who knows how to tell a riveting, epic tale.

Demetria Head

Burn the Freeze by S.M. McVicar plunges readers into a dystopian future where society is dominated by a draconian regime known as the Bills. Cal Shook, a Deviator whose life has been shattered by the oppressive Freeze Act, finds himself in a grimy alley in Reno. This opening scene sets the stage for a relentless and gripping narrative. Cal discovers that the Bills have a mind-controlling device that could seal humanity's fate, pushing him and a motley crew of fellow Deviators into a desperate mission to wrest control of this device and prevent the Bills from absolute domination. The stakes are high as Cal battles physical and psychological assaults, navigating a landscape where every alleyway encounter could be his last. This thrilling sci-fi adventure hooks readers with its dark, immediate immersion and relentless pursuit of freedom.

Burn the Freeze is a compelling addition to the sci-fi genre, with its richly detailed world and intense, action-packed plot. S.M. McVicar's ability to depict a dystopian future with such visceral imagery is commendable; readers can almost smell the decay and feel the oppressive atmosphere of a society gone awry. The strength lies in the relentless pacing of the story and the palpable tension that never lets up. The character of Cal Shook is well-developed, embodying both vulnerability and resilience, making him a protagonist that readers can root for. The use of quotes at the beginning of each chapter is a thoughtful touch, providing philosophical and thematic depth that enhances the narrative. Burn the Freeze is a gripping read that effectively captures the struggle for freedom in a world teetering on the brink of totalitarianism. S.M. McVicar's portrayal of Cal's journey is both harrowing and inspiring, making this book a worthwhile addition to any sci-fi enthusiast's collection.

K.C. Finn

Burn the Freeze is a work of fiction in the science fiction, dystopia, and adventure genres penned by author S.M. McVicar. The plot follows Cal Shook, labeled a Deviator in a dystopian society controlled by 31 billionaires. Discovering the powerful X-2 headset used by the ruling elite to manipulate minds, Cal and others plan a daring heist to overthrow them and restore freedom to society. McVicar utilizes a great sense of imagination and a talent for worldbuilding to craft an exhilarating journey into a dystopian future where societal control and rebellion collide. Cal Shook is a well-rounded protagonist who makes a big impact from his very first appearance, brimming with defiance and determination, but also able to convey the vulnerability and the pressures of his situation.

The concept of the X-2 headset was well-realized with a credible explanation, offering readers a fascinating exploration of power dynamics and the consequences of technological dominance, but it was never too complex to understand. S.M. McVicar's narrative unfolds with gripping tension and some very well-timed twists as Cal and his allies, driven by desperation and a desire for justice, plot to overturn oppressive rule in a fashion that pays homage to dystopian classics. The themes of resistance, sacrifice, and the fight for freedom were compelling, echoing real-world struggles against tyranny and inequality, and these emotional through-lines bubble along under the surface very well until it’s their time to shine. The world-building was also a highlight because of its vivid and atmospheric nature, portraying a bleak yet technologically advanced society where individuality is suppressed and rebellion is punished harshly. Overall, Burn the Freeze is a highly recommended sci-fi read that will entertain with its thrilling plot but also provoke thought about the future of liberty in an increasingly more controlled world.