Business As UnUsual

How to Thrive in the New Renaissance

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
399 Pages
Reviewed on 08/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic had a massive impact on businesses all over the world. Nowadays, business leaders must learn to adapt to the changing world and identify the skills to succeed in modern times. Rick Yvanovich is a business coach, entrepreneur, CEO, CFO, and best-selling author. In Business As UnUsual, Yvanovich offers tools and insights to ensure future leaders acquire the required skills, mindset, and outlook that will help them navigate change and succeed in the modern world. You will learn about life's purpose and everything it entails, discover your core values, the different types of rest, deal with stress and anxiety, the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, self-worth, various motivational theories, and models, becoming a coach, shaping organizational culture, coaching culture, leadership, and much more.

Business As UnUsual delves into the defining traits of an exemplary leader who is curious, confident, and possesses effective interpersonal communication skills. Rick Yvanovich draws from his own wealth of knowledge and experience as a business leader to provide a roadmap for leadership that will enable readers to pursue success and excellence in every aspect of their lives. The topics discussed in the book are very well-researched and explored in-depth. Yvanovich presents the content in an accessible style with keen attention to detail, citing experts from various fields and using examples to ensure readers are engaged all the way through. This is your go-to guide for success as a contemporary business leader. I found the book very motivational, inspiring, and informative. So grab a copy and begin your leadership journey today. Highly recommended!