By Means of Peace

Fiction - Thriller - Political
247 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

By Means of Peace is a work of fiction penned by author Don Johnston in the political thriller, interpersonal drama, and suspense subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. In this thrilling novel set in 2148, we follow the story of charming politician Reuben Rogov as he ascends to the presidency, hailed as a sociopolitical messiah after achieving unprecedented peace and solving major crises. However, as Rogov secures his second term, skepticism arises about his methods, with some suspecting he created the very problems he solved. Caught amid this turmoil are Darien and Marisa, a young couple from Houston. While Marisa pursues a career in politics in Washington, Darien, a struggling sci-fi author, remains behind. Their relationship faces challenges amidst the chaos, exacerbated by Darien's grandfather's ominous interpretation of a biblical prophecy.

Author Don Johnston has crafted a suitably complex and enjoyable work that navigates intricate political dynamics and personal struggles, offering a compelling exploration of power, perception, and prophecy. The characters' intertwined journeys unfold against a backdrop of societal upheaval, inviting reflection on the nature of leadership and the consequences of blind trust. Through Darien and Marisa's tumultuous relationship and Darien's grandfather's cryptic warnings, I got a strong sense of characterization and the clever ways in which the author tells the tale naturally through their dialogue and actions without the need for lots of dry prose. Johnston's adept storytelling and strong creative lexis kept me engaged in the sights, settings, and emotions of the piece, leaving me pondering the implications of Rogov's reign and the timeless relevance of prophetic warnings in an ever-changing world. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend By Means of Peace as a thought-provoking experience that will immerse fans of political thrillers in a complex and highly engaging web of intrigue from start to finish.