City of Oom

Book 3 of the War Bunny Chronicles

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
393 Pages
Reviewed on 08/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

City of Oom is a work of fiction penned by author Christopher St. John in the fantasy, animals, and interpersonal drama genres, and is the third book in the War Bunny Chronicles. It is intended for the young adult reader. In this thrilling continuation of the series, the prey animals of the Million Acre Wood have overthrown their golden wolf overlords and formed a new nation. Now, they face new threats from both inside and outside their borders. The bears in the City of Oom pose a significant danger, and a more covert enemy looms. As these challenges arise, the heroes embark on perilous quests to uncover crucial information about the bears and to explore their own identities. St. John has crafted another thrilling and immersive read, expanding the rich world of the War Bunny Chronicles with new dramatic twists and deeper world-building.

As a fan of previous works in the series, the continuation of the prey animals' journey after their victory over the wolves was both exciting and deeply engaging. The backstory is woven seamlessly into the narrative to remind readers of key events in the story so far. The new threats are described with such atmospheric tension that readers will be looking over their shoulders for eerie shadows and distant roars of dangers long after the book is set down. I felt a deep connection to the characters as they embarked on their tense quests, with their bravery and determination shining through on every page. As with other novels in the series, the work has plenty of engaging dialogue and a unique way of characterizing and portraying the animal cast so that they feel relatable and humanistic, yet keep
their animalistic qualities too. The post-apocalyptic setting, combined with the unique perspective of talking animals, provides a thought-provoking and fresh take on the genre. Overall, City of Oom is a compelling continuation that kept me eagerly turning the pages, and I’d highly recommend it to fans of the series so far.

Foram Vyas

In City of Oom by Christopher St. John, the tale continues from the previous books in the series, where the prey animals of the Million Acre Wood have established a new nation after overthrowing their golden wolf oppressors. Now, they face new dangers as they navigate threats both internal and external. The bears in the City of Oom pose a significant threat, and if they do not attack, a more hidden enemy might. The story follows the heroes of Free Nation as they embark on perilous quests to understand the bears and themselves better. As they delve deeper into their missions, they uncover secrets that challenge their beliefs and test their courage. The narrative is a captivating blend of adventure and introspection, with the characters' journeys reflecting larger themes of society and self-discovery.

Christopher St. John crafts a compelling narrative with a well-paced plot that keeps readers engaged from start to finish. The action is intense and well-described, providing a vivid picture of the battles and the stakes involved. The characters are well-developed, each with their own unique personalities and arcs that contribute to the overall story. St. John’s writing skillfully balances warmth and humor with the more serious undertones of the plot, making the book an enjoyable yet thought-provoking read. The themes of resilience, unity, and self-exploration are seamlessly woven into the story, enhancing its depth. The imaginative world-building and creative storytelling are standout elements that make City of Oom a noteworthy addition to the series. Overall, City of Oom is a testament to St. John’s ability to create a rich, imaginative world that resonates with readers on multiple levels, providing both entertainment and deeper reflections on society and identity.

Demetria Head

City of Oom is the third installment in Christopher St. John’s War Bunny Chronicles, a gripping YA fantasy series set in a richly imagined world where animals form complex societies, locked in a desperate struggle for survival. The story follows Anastasia, a determined and resourceful rabbit, as she navigates the growing tensions between the Free Nation of rabbits and the looming threat of the bears and wolves from the City of Oom. As war becomes inevitable, Anastasia and her allies must grapple with internal strife and external dangers, all while defending their fragile new nation from powerful enemies. Alongside this central narrative, the novel also introduces the journey of Aliyah Summerday, the last of the golden wolves, who faces the daunting task of reviving her fallen clan while carrying the weight of her tragic past.

City of Oom will captivate readers with its unique blend of action, strategy, and emotional depth. Christopher St. John’s world-building is intricate, creating a universe where the animal characters are more than just anthropomorphic figures—they are fully realized beings with their own cultures, conflicts, and motivations. The stakes are high in City of Oom, not just in terms of physical survival but in the moral and ethical choices the characters must make. YA readers who appreciate stories of rebellion, leadership, and the challenges of forging a new society will find much to admire here. Additionally, the narrative’s exploration of loyalty, fear, and the consequences of war offers a profound commentary on the nature of power and community, making it a compelling read for fantasy enthusiasts and young adults alike.

Jamie Michele

City of Oom by Christopher St. John is book three in the War Bunny Chronicles. Book one follows Anastasia, a brown rabbit exiled for rejecting her warren's teachings. She learns to fight predators, forming a new warren with other outcasts. Defending their home leads to killing a coyote, changing the dynamic between prey and predators. In Summerday, Anastasia's warren faces threats from the golden wolves investigating their revolutionary ideas. After surviving an assassination attempt, they fortify themselves with new weapons. A battle results in the establishment of the Free Nation, but peace proves short-lived. Now, Anastasia and Freddie patrol an embankment against bears and internal conflicts, and Aliyah, the last golden wolf, anticipates motherhood. Anastasia is swept up in a flood, her disappearance causing panic. This is compounded when the Queen of Sorrows warns of an impending bear attack—and the grizzly leader, along with his canid army arrives, ready for war.

Christopher St. John kicks off with an immediate battle scene in City of Oom, creating a massive undercurrent of suspense that carries through the entire novel. What I really like is how the story evolves with a very unexpected connection with Anastasia, and her growth as a character and a leader as she tries to balance who she really is and who she is meant to be as a leader. It is a beautiful scene where she has the opportunity to do what none of her followers would fault her for but instead chooses to be an example of caring and peace. It is a testament to St. John's skill as a writer that he can piece seemingly disconnected events into a complete picture without us even realizing he's done this until it comes full circle in the end. The writing is wonderful and this far into the series we are accustomed to the humor and irony of character names, but they still elicit a chuckle, nonetheless. It is a rare feat indeed when an author can come up with something new and fresh and continue it with several books. St. John is the exception, and City of Oom is exceptional.

Scott Cahan

City of Oom by Christopher St. John is set sometime shortly after humans have gone and left their broken world to be inhabited by the animals of the forest. In the previous two books in the War Bunny Chronicles series, the balance of nature has shifted. The rabbits and other smaller animals are no longer content to be hunted and killed by the larger animals of prey. They’ve already established themselves as a new force to be reckoned with. Now, a new threat has emerged in the nearby City of Oom. Bears run the show there, and they have no intention of letting their power be threatened by a bunch of rabbits, squirrels, and mice. The rabbits and their allies, led by their fearless leader Anastasia, begin to build new defenses against the bears, but a severe summer storm brings great tragedy and rerouts the efforts of the animals to rebuilding and rescue missions. From there, the storyline follows the journeys of several rabbits, a couple of mice, the last of the golden wolves, and many more animal characters. These are desperate times for all the creatures of the forest, regardless of their size.

The animal characters in this book come across as being more realistic than most humans I know. By that, I mean Christopher St. John is a master at making each of his animal characters come alive with distinct and colorful personalities. Not only that, each animal species has its own unique way of talking, dressing, and behaving. It all makes City of Oom a whole lot of fun to read. The story follows multiple characters as they go their separate ways, each with a common goal. This narrative technique of jumping between the different stories works flawlessly. The tension builds exponentially in each storyline and the overall story as a whole. There were many times when I was reading that I did not want to put the book down. I won’t give anything away, but I found Anastasia’s story to be particularly fascinating. Even if you have not read the first two books, I highly recommend reading City of Oom. It stands on its own as one of the best books of the year. At the same time, it is a first-class addition to the wonderful War Bunny Chronicles series.