City Zoo

An Unfairy Story

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
240 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Danelle Petersen for Readers' Favorite

The animals of City Zoo have finally been liberated! Fed up with how the humans had run things, the furry and not-so-furry inhabitants of City Zoo had fought hard and had finally been granted their freedom. A democracy created by animals for animals – what could go wrong? Well, a lot. The media has been spreading propaganda about the city's new zookeeper, Gus the Gilded Elephant. Allegedly, Gus still supports the humans, even opting to keep some of their memorabilia, most of which are hurtful reminders of the animals' oppressive past. Thankfully, the trustworthy monkeys are hard at work documenting these wrongdoings, hoping to gain a more qualified and less biased leader in the next election. However, it seems that the monkeys have an agenda of their own, but what that might be is not quite clear yet.

Zoo City by Jeff Pedigo is a more modernized version of the classic Animal Farm. Engaging and delightfully funny, Zoo City offers a fresh take on the modern age's standard of acceptable living, and the societal pressure we all live under, whether we're aware of it or not. Jeff delivers the message in a skilfully written, satirical manner, providing readers with an entertaining and thought-provoking read. Jeff also successfully shows the human race's gullibility concerning heresy, driving home how powerful and dangerous the media can be. In this story, the monkeys are the aggressors, and Zoo City, like Animal Farm, is based on our reality. I recommend this thought-provoking novel to others who, like me, are concerned about the dangerous relationship we enjoy with social media and the like.