Conscious Life-Purpose

Live a Meaningful Life by “Making a Difference” for Greater Happiness, Love, and Success

Non-Fiction - Social Issues
308 Pages
Reviewed on 09/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Scarlett Jensen for Readers' Favorite

Dr. Kashonia Carnegie's Conscious Life-Purpose is book 8 in the series of 10. She is a Conscious Change Ethicist and Moral Philosopher Executive Coach in Australia. Her supreme goal is to “make a difference” in the world by helping to make the planet a more peaceful, ethical, and loving place. That prompted her to write The Conscious Change Series of ten books. This book is essential reading for anyone feeling that something is missing in their life and for those wanting to make a difference but not sure what that means or how to go about it to attract greater happiness, love, and success for yourself and others. Her strategies show the importance of cultivating and building meaning in your life. Her focus is that the self must develop and use passion, strengths, skills, talents, and competencies in the service of something larger than what you are; in the service of something that’s outside you, as an individual—"We, not Me." Conscious Life-Purpose, combines real-life examples, personal life stories, activities, diagrams, philosophical analyses, and scientific research, all shared in an easy-to-read, down-to-earth manner, to guide you through a step-by-step process to discover your Conscious Life-Purpose.

By being a life-long learner with a multi-perspective approach, Dr. Kashonia Carnegie guides us to seek a higher meaning or purpose to life, which is a concept common to the ancient masters and religious, spiritual, and philosophical literature. This book, and indeed all of her books, are focused on increasing your deep learning and growth. Activities in the guide are given to employ one's creative thinking skills and show how to manifest a connection with another human, a pet, or even nature herself. The activities are given as exercises to help you explore and discover your Conscious Life-Purpose. You can do it. No one is too young or old to learn how to discover your life purpose —what you were born to do—and create a meaningful life in harmony with your focused development of talents and strengths to succeed. Transform yourself to this elevated spiritual consciousness and take it to a practical conscious level.