Cora's Christmas Challenge

A Magical Story of Friendship, Festive Fun, and the Spirit of Giving

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 05/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Cora's Christmas Challenge is part of the Cora Can Collection by Sally Kashner. On a snowy December morning, Cora's mother suggests she challenge herself to make a new friend, show compassion, and spread the joy of Christmas. Cora goes outside on this cold day, determined to fulfill her mother's request. She plays with her friends, sleds, and builds a snowman, but she longs for an opportunity to help someone and become friends with a new person. She spots a family of rabbits shivering in the cold and devises a plan to ease their suffering. As she constructs her idea, she notices someone who may help her as she tries to complete her Christmas challenge.

Sally Kashner's book has warm Christmas feelings on every page, even though Cora's town is blanketed in snow. I read the book to my young children, and they spotted an adventurous squirrel every time I turned the page. Remesh Ram's illustrations were bright and colorful, drawing my children's eyes to the pages. The story is a great selection for the holiday season, but it also helps open up conversations about making new friends and helping others throughout the year. Many readers would expect Cora to help a person, but it's important that the author made a family of animals the focus of Cora's kindness. In addition to the story, the author provided interesting information about squirrels and discussion questions. Young readers who enjoy holiday stories and books about adventures with caring acts will enjoy Cora's Christmas Challenge.