Dare to Author!

Non-Fiction - Self Help
260 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Joe Wisinski for Readers' Favorite

In Dare to Author! Lior Arussy urges readers to write down the story of their lives, even the parts that may not have been what they might have wished. The book is divided into three sections: why to write our stories, how, and then a challenge to take on the task. Arussy believes that by writing down our past life stories we enable ourselves to improve our future life. Each chapter ends with a question designed to help readers examine their thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Additionally, there are introspective questions throughout the book that have the same purpose. There are many anecdotes from the author’s personal experiences and information from experts in their disciplines. The book concludes with extensive endnotes on each chapter. Arussy is the founder of a company that helps other organizations maximize customer satisfaction and otherwise improve their organizations.

Dare to Author! by Lior Arussy is a fine and challenging read. It’s not only meant to be read but to be experienced. Anyone who reads Arussy’s book will identify with many of the ideas he presents. As an example, one chapter I found especially insightful was the one that explained why we should stop blaming others for our own life stories. Although the author is an expert in his field, I also liked that he refers to other experts in their fields to make many of his points. I’m confident that anyone who follows the author’s advice will see an improvement in relationships, productivity, and overall enjoyment of life as they learn from their past life. One cannot read this book without learning the wisdom of writing our life stories and learning from them.