Death by Fugue

The Jimmu Files - Book 1

Young Adult - Mystery
400 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Death by Fugue, the first book in The Jimmu Files series by Cagey Magee, is a young adult mystery set in 2038. Best-selling author Angie Summers teams up with her son Dale and his two friends to solve a series of murders after her fiancé, NYPD Inspector Rex Caine, is shot and suffers from amnesia. As international drug dealers converge in Saratoga, Angie’s amateur sleuthing skills and the boys’ youthful curiosity lead to a chaotic and thrilling investigation that blends humor, danger, and mystery. Magee drops readers into a stimulating futuristic setting and a classic murder mystery right from the exciting opening of this novel that blends nostalgia with cutting-edge technology in a unique way.

The writing is bold, confident, and enthusiastic. Cagey Magee’s ability to craft complex characters creates compelling internal conflict that elevates the narrative beyond a typical mystery with new layers of unreliability and unpredictability. The author knows the story world inside out, and this level of detail makes readers feel that they’re in safe hands, no matter where the story takes them. The dynamic between the teenage protagonists and Angie brings plenty of humor and heart to the story, making their collective sleuthing both engaging and entertaining as Dale learns a lot more about his mother than he’d bargained for. The fast-paced plot, filled with twists, humor, and danger aplenty, keeps readers on the edge of their seats in a way that’s perfectly pitched for both YA and adult readers, and it demonstrates Magee’s true mastery of tension and storytelling. Overall, I would certainly recommend Death by Fugue to fans of pacey, well-penned adventures with plenty of mystery from cover to cover.