Demystifying God

Redefining Black Theology in the Age of iGod Shahidi Collection Vol 2

Non-Fiction - Religion/Philosophy
474 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Demystifying God: Redefining Black Theology in the Age of iGod by Shahidi Islam is a thought-provoking non-fiction work that examines the evolving nature of Black theology in the digital era. Islam explores how the Black struggle for justice and equality is transforming in the face of technological advancements and increasing white hostility. Drawing from diverse intellectual traditions, Islam uses a six-pronged framework to challenge socio-political structures and redefine Black theology in modern times. Islam’s ability to blend theology, sociology, and psychology creates a deeply layered, interdisciplinary analysis that is highly intellectual but is also delivered in a way that conveys the themes through the digital context. The writing style is both clear and accessible, packed with explanations of terms and down-to-earth, conversational moments that make it all digestible for a wide audience no matter the experience level.

As someone who is well-versed in the digital world, but not so much in the technological world, I found it to be a forward-thinking approach that opened my eyes to Black theology in an educational and welcoming way. Shahidi Islam’s commitment to grounding the work in evidence and references offers a lot of credibility and depth, making the arguments compelling and well-supported, I also found the work to be highly well-organized so you could refer back to other topics easily to see how they fit into the bigger picture of the narrative and the overall viewpoint. Overall, Demystifying God: Redefining Black Theology in the Age of iGod is a totally fascinating read from cover to cover, and I’d certainly recommend it to those with an interest in culture, religion, and technology.