Detective Square Bear and the Trouble on the Train

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Detective Square Bear and the Trouble on the Train is a children’s picture book written by Terry White with illustrations by Anna Freidtsis. The story follows Detective Square Bear on a disastrous first day at work. After a well-deserved holiday with his friends, Detective Square Bear receives a call from his boss, prompting him to return to work. His morning quickly turns to chaos when Nurse Frog's precious ring goes missing on the train. With his detective skills and persistence, Detective Square Bear must inspect, question, and search for clues to solve the mystery and recover the missing ring. Despite a challenging search, he eventually discovers Nurse Frog’s ring in an unexpected location.

Detective Square Bear and the Trouble on the Train is a humorous story that introduces young readers to interesting animal characters and teaches them to persevere in solving problems. Children will enjoy this whimsical adventure and relate to Detective Square Bear’s lifestyle, his love of honey, and his kind, helpful spirit. With playful rhyming text, the story captivates young readers with its rhythmic narration and smooth flow. The beautiful illustrations bring the characters and the world of the story to life, with vibrant colors that will attract children’s attention and keep them engaged. This is the first book in the Detective Square Bear series, and I hope to read more about this character and from this author. I recommend adding this book to your children’s reading list, as it will surely put a smile on their faces and teach them to be helpful to others.