Devil by the Tail

Young Adult - Paranormal
258 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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Author Biography

Caroline Lavoie is a French-Canadian writer of YA speculative fiction. She spends her days on the homestead, growing food and improbable tales from seed.

Her short stories appear in Cloud Lake Literary, Black Cat, and Haunted Words Press. Her debut novel, Devil by the Tail, was a finalist in CANSCAIP‘s 2022 Writing for Children Competition. It will be published by Deep Hearts YA in October 2024.

Caroline is a member of the Federation of BC Writers. She lives in northern British Columbia on the land of the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Devil by the Tail by Caroline Lavoie is a young adult paranormal novel set in the hauntingly beautiful landscape of northern British Columbia, inspired by French-Canadian folklore. The story follows Alex, a young woman grappling with fear and loss as she confronts the legend of the Devil’s Tail, a mountain cursed by a wicked trickster. When Amka arrives in town, Alex's emotional barriers start to fall, forcing her to confront her deepest fears. The narrative explores themes of self-forgiveness, environmental issues, and the impacts of white privilege, all while unraveling the complexities of love and loss. Lavoie delivers a masterclass in bringing French-Canadian folklore to modern readers, creating a vivid backdrop that enriches the narrative and draws readers into the cultural landscape of the characters with engaging detail and eerie charm.

Having a bisexual protagonist and a diverse cast is a brilliantly relatable take on the traditional eerie gothic mystery tale, showing Caroline Lavoie’s commitment to representation in literature but also linking the genre back to its natural roots in outsiders and people who live against the proposed norms of society. Other complex themes such as environmentalism and self-forgiveness are naturally woven into the plot as Alex encounters different people and situations that prompt her (and indeed, readers) to reflect on societal issues. This is achieved while maintaining an engaging and compelling plot that evokes deep emotions, particularly in moments of vulnerability and connection where Alex is at her most desperate. Overall, Devil by the Tail is a deeply moving and engaging paranormal drama that perfectly balances its haunting, mysterious allure with a serious and poignant message for us all.