Dissonance, Volume I


Young Adult - Sci-Fi
328 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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Author Biography

Award-winning and bestselling author Aaron Ryan lives in Washington with his wife and two sons, along with Macy the dog, Winston the cat, and Merry & Pippin, the finches.

He is the author of the bestselling "Dissonance" saga, the sci-fi thriller "Forecast", the business reference business books "How to Successfully Self-Publish & Promote Your Self-Published Book" and "The Superhero Anomaly", several business books on voiceovers penned under his former stage name (Joshua Alexander), as well as a previous fictional novel, "The Omega Room."

When he was in second grade, he was tasked with writing a creative assignment: a fictional book. And thus, "The Electric Boy" was born: a simple novella full of intrigue, fantasy, and 7-year-old wits that electrified Aaron's desire to write. From that point forward, Aaron evolved into a creative soul that desired to create.

He enjoys the arts, media, music, performing, poetry, and being a daddy. In his lifetime he has been an author, voiceover artist, wedding videographer, stage performer, musician, producer, rock/pop artist, executive assistant, service manager, paperboy, CSR, poet, tech support, worship leader, and more. The diversity of his life experiences gives him a unique approach to business, life, ministry, faith, and entertainment.

Aaron's favorite author by far is J.R.R. Tolkien, but he also enjoys Suzanne Collins, James S.A. Corey, Marie Lu, Madeleine L'Engle, C.S. Lewis, and Stephen King.

Aaron has always had a passion for storytelling. Visit his website at www.authoraaronryan.com or the Dissonance website at www.dissonancetheseries.com.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

Lunch is ready, and humanity is the entrée in Dissonance, Volume I: Reality by Aaron Ryan. The action picks up on page one, with Cameron (call sign Jet) and his brother Rutledge (Rutty) running for their lives. Their reality is a constant fight for survival in a world devastated by an alien invasion that has seen 85% of humanity become food for the nightmarish invaders called gorgons. A new mission for the soldier-brothers sees them team up with Basset and Trudy, two newcomers to their fortified base of operations. But like all things military, the mission is not what it seems, and few plans, no matter how well prepared, can survive contact with the enemy. In a world with little left to lose and grievous loss an everyday fact of life, Jet will realize that there is another enemy out there just as dangerous as the invading aliens: man.

With so many apocalyptic thrillers out there, Dissonance by Aaron Ryan shines like a beacon in the night because it is truly excellent. While the plot revolves around humanity's struggle for survival, the underlying theme that humans are at their best (and worst) during a crisis is explored deeply in a manner few novels have achieved. The captivating world-building and enigmatic alien characters add another layer of depth to the story. They arrive without spacecraft and behave like single-purpose predators, akin to sharks. Yet they do possess some technology and a higher goal other than just turning us into fast food. As a result, I wondered if they were animals or intelligent, perhaps even a biological weapon used by an even greater foe. Superb character development with a well-written and fast pace combine to make this novel an easy recommendation.

Lex Allen

It's 2042, sixteen years after the arrival of the Gorgons, alien creatures that feed on the flesh of mammals, especially humans. Since he was six, Sergeant Cameron Shipley, aka Jet, has survived the invasion. A new arrival to his military unit reveals a secret that could change the course of history and potential survival. Jet faces a dilemma of monumental proportions—follow the orders of high command that he knows are not feasible or take a chance on this recruit's solution. Jet's internal conflict is central to Dissonance, Volume I - Reality by Aaron Ryan, drawing readers in and making them empathize with his predicament. As soon as the Gorgons appeared, I knew I was in for a great read.

I've always been especially attracted to monsters, demons, and aliens, especially when one of these creatures "breaks the mold," like zombies that are super-fast and alert to the slightest sound, vampires that can operate in sunlight, or demons masquerading as humans saving humans from other demons. The Gorgons in Dissonance, Volume I - Reality fit that mold perfectly. I always avoid spoilers, so I won't further describe these creatures. I prefer future readers to discover the thrills on their own. Creating such an antagonist, however, takes imagination, and writing a story that captures the reader's imagination while building tension, surprise, and genuine reading pleasure takes skill; here again, Ryan excels. Seldom have I read a book that mixes first and third-person points of view among several characters in the same scene without totally confusing the reader as to who is who while simultaneously losing the scene's thread. Aaron Ryan's skill has none of these problems. Instead, he has invented unforgettable, true-to-life, situational characters that, along with his Gorgons, are just the beginning of what will hopefully be (as a minimum) a trilogy and, possibly, a long-running series. I'll be looking out for them!

Makeda Cummings

Dissonance Volume I: Reality by Aaron Ryan is a heart-racing post-apocalyptic tale in which humans come face-to-face with the threat of extinction, initiated by terrifying alien invaders called gorgons. If any human makes eye contact, the gorgons petrify their victim with fear and then consume their victim alive, leaving them to experience every agonizing sensation. The main character, Sergeant Cameron "Jet" Shipley, was six when these creatures invaded Earth. Sixteen years later, he still witnesses the horrors these creatures continue to unleash on the remaining 15% of Earth's population. Things are about to change. Cameron, his brother Rutty, and his men are tired of living in fear. One fateful day, Cameron and his team set out to accomplish a dangerous and almost impossible recon mission. After the mission, Cameron begins questioning their true purpose and the real agenda of the military command, which he steadfastly follows. Cameron and his men ultimately discover truths that shake the core of their existence. How will it all end?

Aaron Ryan's thrilling novel will engage readers from beginning to end through the use of vivid descriptions and exceptional plot developments. He plunges readers into a grim world, surrounded by death and hopelessness, where staying alive is the main objective of each character. Every decision, great and small, is essential to humanity's survival. Speed, wit, and strategy are the main things that keep Cameron, his brother, and their associates alive. Each character is compelling and authentic. Shaped by trauma, loss, and resilience, Cameron and his men refuse to surrender their lives without a fight. Dissonance Volume I: Reality is a story about hope, inner strength, and redemption as much as it is about resistance and defiance. Ryan perfectly incorporates action, adventure, drama, and science fiction in an intense story that will encourage readers to examine the ethical dilemmas that humankind might face if we encounter an unstoppable threat someday. This captivating and exciting tale will leave you on the edge of your seat as you anticipate Volume II. If you enjoyed films like Bird Box, A Quiet Place, and The Silence, this is the perfect book to indulge in next.