Divisible Man

Nine Lives Lost

Fiction - Thriller - General
378 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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Author Biography

Howard Seaborne is the author of the DIVISIBLE MAN series of novels as well as a collection of short stories featuring the same cast of characters. He began writing novels in spiral notebooks at age ten. He began flying airplanes at age sixteen. He is a former flight instructor and commercial charter pilot licensed in single- and multi-engine airplanes as well as helicopters. Today he flies a twin-engine Beechcraft Baron, a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza, and a Rotorway A-600 Talon experimental helicopter he built from a kit in his garage. He lives with his wife and writes and flies during all four seasons in Wisconsin, never far from Essex County Airport.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Priya Mathew for Readers' Favorite

Nine Lives Lost by Howard Seaborne is the ninth book in the Divisible Man series. Each book in the series focuses on one mystery while elements carry over to the next book from an overarching mystery. Will Stewart, a former flight instructor and air charter pilot with his unique ability to vanish at will, and his wife Detective Andy Stewart are at the epicenter of this series. In Nine Lives Lost, Will goes on a trip to Ekalaka, Montana to check on a friend of his boss Earl Jackson. The trip leads him on a journey of missing women, UFOs, and dangerous forces that could be pulling the strings in the background. Meanwhile, Andy becomes the focal point of a politically motivated recall campaign putting her career and life in danger. Will the power duo overcome the new hurdles placed in their paths?

As a newbie to the Divisible Man, I initially wondered if I would understand the plot and characters so late in the series. However, Howard Seaborne has skillfully introduced the main character, Will, his wife Andy, his job setting, and his paranormal ability to vanish at will in the preface of Nine Lives Lost. This introduction helped me to easily dive into the story without feeling lost. Nine Lives Lost is fast-paced, and there is so much action happening back-to-back that Will doesn’t even get time for a proper sleep until the end of the book. Like Matryoshka dolls, the narrative covers more than one mystery for Will and Andy to uncover. The core group of characters in the series are well-drawn and the narrative is engaging, blending humor with serious undertones. In all the action going on, the character that stood out for me was Boyd, an autistic child who plays a pivotal role in this story. If you enjoy a blend of action, mystery, and love of flying and airplanes, this is a highly recommended read.