Dolly's Kindness Journey

An Interactive Tale of Empathy and Friendship (Foster Social-Emotional Skills and Confidence Through Fun and Interactive Stories!)

Children - Picture Book
44 Pages
Reviewed on 07/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

“Helping others is awesome, as you can see!” That’s what Dolly the Doodle believes as she prances around her neighborhood all day. In Melissa Eastin’s Dolly’s Kindness Journey, Dolly finds many ways to show kindness, from helping her friend Sami the Sloth down from a tree where he’s stuck to helping a yellow duckling find his Mama Duck. Each new adventure is a journey through kindness and it makes Dolly feel good about himself and life in general. Dolly’s Kindness Journey is an interactive tale of empathy and friendship, part of the Foster Social-Emotional Skills and Confidence Through Fun and Interactive Stories!

Told in rhyming verse, this lyrical treasure follows one puppy’s journey through his acts of kindness. Using a sweet, adorable puppy as the main character adds to the kindness theme, since most puppies are, by nature, kind. The language is simple so young readers can easily follow along and improve their reading skills. Lana Lee’s illustrations are as sweet and adorable as the characters themselves and certainly add a little zest to the plot development. The use of different fonts and how the text is shaped add another dimension. The discussion questions at the end make this a useful interactive book that can be used both at home and at school. Key questions are included to introduce some big words, like empathy. Author Melissa Eastin also includes some interactive activities, like role-playing and creating a kindness poster. Dolly’s Kindness Journey is a great way to teach young readers to care for others.