
Finding of a Shadow

Fiction - Drama
242 Pages
Reviewed on 10/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Dracula: Finding of a Shadow by Lisa Monde is a playscript that begins in 19th-century Bran Castle, Romania, where Count Dracula emerges from his coffin, consumed by his desire to regain his lost shadow, a symbol of his power and identity. As he seeks to seduce Mina Harker, whom he believes can restore him through love, he must also pacify growing discontent involving his loyal servant Alucard and a trio of vampiresses who are not thrilled with his attentions toward Mina. Meanwhile, Jonathan Harker, Mina’s fiancé, struggles to reunite with her, unaware of the vampire’s dark influence. The script later transitions to modern-day New York City, where Elizabeth Harker and David Manners confront the haunting legacy of Dracula as the connections between the past and present unravel.

Lisa Monde’s Dracula: Finding of a Shadow is a brilliantly crafted play with some extra treats in the back matter on all things Dracula and a foreword written by Dacre Stoker, Bram Stoker's great-grandnephew. The script is well written, seamlessly blending gothic elements with contemporary themes, and with crystal clear stage directions that guide the action, even if it is only in my head. The settings are dynamic and transition between the old and the new, reflecting the timeless nature of Dracula's appeal that transcends eras. Mina is a spectacular character that totally defies anything I thought I saw coming, as is the character of Lisa. There is a twist ending that is satisfying on its own but does flirt a little with the possibility of a sequel. I would love to see this work brought to life on stage as I am certain it would make for a grand theatrical experience. Very highly recommended.