Earth Light

Poetry - General
182 Pages
Reviewed on 08/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Naomi Terranella, Donald Terranella, and Ronald Terranella bring readers a captivating collection of poems that show God's abundant love. Earth Light opens with "A Christmas Cookie," a wholesome poem about a young girl who found God's love in a Christmas cookie. "A High School Teacher's Prayer" teaches a lesson in forgiveness and reaching lost souls through the words in the Bible. In "Becoming Whole," the narrator praises God for His healing love and offering His loyal followers a sanctuary in Heaven. "Eternity" is a poem about a person who, at one point, was lost but found faith in God and was rewarded for it. In "God's Retirement Plan," the narrator rejoices for the gifts God has bestowed upon them for their unwavering faith. In "Satan's Regret," Satan brags about how he almost lured away one of God's followers.

Naomi, Donald, and Ronald Terranella have penned a mesmerizing poetry collection that will delight believers and poetry readers. Earth Light is a collection of poems that celebrates God and shows how He looks after His children and makes their lives easier through love, kindness, grace, forgiveness, mercy, and more. The Terranellas draw inspiration from scriptures and use passages and Psalms from the Bible to present an enthralling collection of poems that delve into themes of faith, a person's relationship with God, and Satan's relentless pursuit to corrupt God's children. The poetic storytelling is inspired and motivational -- and so are the messages woven into each verse of every single poem. If you're a Christian and a poetry lover, this book is a must-read. I thoroughly enjoyed this collection and can't recommend it highly enough!