Echoes Lost in Stars

Poems by PS Conway

Poetry - General
137 Pages
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Immerse yourself in a transcending odyssey with Echoes Lost in Stars. This introspective poetry collection by PS Conway takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery with poetic storytelling that traverses a broad spectrum of topics. Discover a piece of yourself in the abundance of natural beauty that graces this planet and the night sky, relive the joys of love and the pangs of heartbreak, delve into the mysteries of the universe and life, feel the touch of God in your day-to-day activities, and much more. Through this mesmerizing collection of poems, Conway recounts the experiences of his own life, including navigating childhood, love, fatherhood, the loss of a loved one, and more. The author also references myths and ancient lore in his verses, crafting a unique experience that lovers of the mystical are bound to love.

PS Conway gives poetry enthusiasts an absolute gem of a collection. With an effective combination of abstract, observational, and confessional poetry, Echoes Lost in Stars offers a poetry experience that stays etched in your mind for a long time, even after you've finished reading. Poetry readers will love to revisit this collection over and over again. Thematically rich and narratively poignant, Conway's verses find a way to reach the deepest corners of your very soul. Each poem feels unique and brings something of its own while staying true to the themes of the larger narrative. The author uses free verse to tell poetic stories that emotionally resonate with the reader. Overall, I found this collection to be both illuminating and inspiring. Highly recommended.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

In Echoes Lost in Stars, PS Conway uses sensory descriptions while inviting readers to wander through nature and the universe. Even the dedication is poetic. The author's work is similar to W. B. Yeats, as it makes Celtic references and speaks of earthly serenity. Conway's verses include mythological and biblical references and incorporate romance, nature, and nostalgia. The poet uses enjambment, expressing grief through nature in "A Cardinal" and detailing whimsical pieces, like "Jesus and Diabetic Candy." With his use of figurative language and imagination, Conway communicates his feelings about the world and beyond.

PS Conway expresses themes of love, nature, mythology, and spirituality in his work. Readers may wish to absorb one poem at a time and savor it before moving to the next. The piece Sun resonated more with me as I felt a deeper connection to nature in the lines. To me, poetry is the innermost feelings of the author laid bare for the reader. Their interpretation can touch an author's heart as surely as the verses touch the reader. With that in mind, I appreciated "A Coward Laments." The poem flowed easily as if it would roll off the tongue while the words hardly touched it. For those who relate to Conway's poems, they will be swept away by the beautiful imagery. The author writes to express his needs, as he says, "It's not my job to make you happy..." when he's asked to write something different. I can understand and appreciate his assertion. Readers who enjoy tranquil, skillfully written verses will like Echoes Lost in Stars.

Jennie More

Echoes Lost in Stars by PS Conway is an anthology of poems divided into themes of the sun, sunlight, starlight, and stars. The poems cover topics about love, passion, and loss experienced beneath a sunlit or star-studded sky. Conway connects human experiences to nature, emphasizing nature’s presence in every moment of our lives. In our busyness, heartache, and even bliss, we may forget that the magnificent sun and glorious stars always shine, illuminate, and even elevate our experiences. Conway appreciates the ever-present role of nature in our lives, using all his senses to acknowledge the sun and the stars, feeling, seeing, hearing, touching, and even tasting their presence. Conway’s beautiful collection of poems shows that regardless of our journey through life, whether good or bad, the sun rises and sets on us all, and we are never in the dark.

Echoes Lost in Stars by PS Conway is awe-inspiring, eloquent, and exquisite. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each poem and pondering on the meaning of each line and its relevance to me. After reading the poems, I felt like I knew the author as I saw common personality traits shine through in each poem. Conway is intentional in his writing, carefully selecting every word to bring depth and meaning. Echoes Lost in Stars is a book you should slowly read and savor over time to appreciate its magic and complexity. My favorite poems were The Story of Us, Time and Laundry, Sunrise Reveries, Born Anew, Whisper Me to Sleep, and Park Bench.