Empty Jars

A Collection of Short Stories

Fiction - Anthology
168 Pages
Reviewed on 08/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

Empty Jars: A Collection of Short Stories by F. A. Hunt is a treasure trove for fans of short stories. In “Beauty in Resilience: A Masterpiece of Self-Love,” Elara, a woman of breathtaking beauty living in a secluded cottage by the sea, transforms her pain and life experiences into a vibrant expression of self-love and resilience. She becomes a living masterpiece admired for the depth of her character and the rich stories her scars embody, inspiring others with her unwavering spirit. In “For Father’s Journey,” Nathan, who is gravely ill, shares with his young son Elliot the idea of an upcoming solitary journey to a distant land, explaining it in a way that Elliot can understand but not fully grasp the seriousness. Elliot, wishing to support his father on this journey, collects mementos that symbolize their shared experiences, including a beloved book, a Swiss Army knife, a snapshot of a fishing trip, and a Batman cape, which he proudly presents to Nathan. The first story, "Empty Jars," sets the tone for the collection, inviting readers into a world where emotional numbness manifests in the physical form of jars, each representing lost feelings. The nameless protagonist struggles with the inability to fill these jars, reflecting depression and loneliness.

F.A. Hunt's collection of short stories features allegories, tales laced with symbolism, and stories that keep readers thinking about their underlying meanings. Some stories are so short they take just a page, yet they are so masterfully crafted to keep readers thoughtful and utterly entertained. The author blends economy of word with character to deliver compelling yet thought-provoking stories, simultaneously drawing from human experience and developing resonant themes. Readers will be moved by the profound loss in “A World Without Color” and the villagers' resilience in “The Wind That Shakes the Barley” when nature hits them mercilessly. Themes of survival, purpose, resilience, humanity, loss, and more are expertly explored in this collection. Empty Jars by F.A. Hunt features forty-five short stories that display a remarkable range of depth and themes. Each tale offers a unique take — a symbol about life, an emotion, an experience, and something unique about being human — and features a character in exceptional circumstances. As readers follow these characters, they will discover deep currents of wisdom about life and humanity.