Esdra's Three-Headed Eagle

Christian - Devotion/Study
88 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Esdra's Three-Headed Eagle by James Harman delves into the biblical text of 2 Esdras, which is one of the ancient texts that was excluded from the modern Bible. This book focuses on prophecies concerning the coming of Christ and the rise of the Beast, as well as their connection to America's political history, including presidential terms and celestial events such as the appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp. Readers will discover hidden secrets about the future of the United States and its presidents. The revelations in this book also explore what lies ahead in the final years of this decade. By examining the ancient text, Harman reveals a warning and reminder to believers about the Second Coming of Jesus, urging them to prepare and repent of their sins.

Esdra's Three-Headed Eagle is the third and final installment in the Daniel’s Prophecies Unsealed series. It is an eye-opening book that combines puzzle-solving and mystery with biblical prophecy. The book is well-organized as it first explains to readers why the text of 2 Esdras should be included in the Bible and why it is relevant to current events. This establishes a strong foundation for the reader's understanding and engagement with the rest of the content. The use of visual aids such as tables, flow charts, and timelines makes complex calculations and prophecies more accessible and easier to comprehend, allowing readers to follow along and engage with the content effectively. Jim Harman’s research has a layer of historical context and research that will fascinate readers. Overall, this book is a must-read for anyone who loves exploring biblical prophecy and history.