Everyone Is Addicted


Non-Fiction - Self Help
210 Pages
Reviewed on 07/25/2024
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Author Biography

Yosef Kutner is a retired businessman, highly educated in both secular and religious studies. With over 82 years of life experience, he is known for his wealth of knowledge and wisdom in a variety of fields.
He is passionate and dedicated, and he is always available to help people in any situation. This has caused him to earn popularity in both his professional and social life. He has been a mentor to countless numbers.

Throughout his career, Yosef remained committed to his spiritual and intellectual pursuits and continued to deepen his knowledge and understanding of both subjects. His broad perspective and deep insight into human nature and the human condition have allowed him to develop unique and proven opinions on a wide range of topics.

Yosef is also a devoted family man with a loving wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. His family is an important source of joy and inspiration for him, and he takes great pride in their accomplishments and successes.
In his retirement, Yosef has devoted his time and energy to sharing his insights and wisdom with others through his writing and public speaking. His writing covers a broad range of topics, from personal growth and spirituality to business and economics, and is characterized by his clear and engaging style and his ability to make complex concepts accessible to all readers.

Overall, Yosef Kutner is a respected and beloved figure for his commitment to helping others achieve their full potential in all aspects of life.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

People suffer from addiction issues all over the world and it's a tough road back to recovery. Yosef Kutner struggled with alcoholism for decades before he found the strength to refrain from using alcohol to deal with life. In Everyone Is Addicted, Kutner presents a comprehensive action plan to help readers begin their journey of recovery and healing. This action plan comprises self-assessment, reflection, and learning exercises. According to Kutner, a person's identity is formed by two elements -- the Divine (intellectual) soul and the animal soul rooted in physicality. With this book, you will be able to unlock your spiritual nature and discover your authentic self to find a deep spiritual connection within yourself, practice humility to tap into mindfulness and self-control, nullify the ego, learn about the phases of withdrawal and post-withdrawal symptoms, and much more.

Yosef Kutner makes it clear that discipline is key to mastering oneself. Using real-world anecdotes, helpful examples, and keen observations and insights, Kutner offers an all-in-one guide to help readers overcome their addictions and find fulfillment and contentment in spirituality, self-reflection, and contemplation. The author encourages readers to pray and practice trust. Everyone Is Addicted contains a brief history of AA and the famous Swiss psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung. The book also shows the beneficial effects of abstaining from alcohol on various organs and nutrient levels in the body. Overall, I found the book to be very well-researched, informative, and motivational. Kutner's easy-to-read writing style and the presentation of the subject matter ensure readers of all backgrounds will find it accessible. Whether you're suffering from addiction or trying to help a loved one get their life back on track, I highly recommend this book.