Everything Is Personal

Embracing Stewardship in the Workplace and Everyplace

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
86 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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Author Biography

Louis Roden has over 25 years of international Organizational Development and Service Culture experience. His transformational roles include serving in leadership positions in hospitality, global transportation and logistics, finance technology, and other service industries.

In September of 2008, Louis founded Inspire Consulting Group, an international consultancy dedicated to practical, reality-based leadership development programs, brand development and communication strategies, and exemplary service culture curriculums.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

Everything Is Personal by Louis Roden is a leadership guide that promotes steward leadership and interpersonal relations in the workplace and everyday life. The book focuses on building trust and respect with team members, having an optimistic attitude, creating relationships, and leading with kindness. The author emphasizes the importance of building rapport with one another, providing joy to clients and colleagues, and being a leader who serves and is self-aware in all circumstances, ready to adapt to any situation. He has included the art of self-management, which is being conscious of responses and actions, acknowledging one's emotions, and managing behavior to be an effective leader. The book also prompts a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement, providing a fresh approach to leadership and individual success.

Everything Is Personal by Louis Roden is a well-needed resource that teaches valuable lessons on how leaders should conduct themselves. The leadership principles can be applied to our daily lives, extending beyond the confines of a workplace. The way we interact with others, our communication style, and our attitude toward challenges can all reflect the kind of leader we are. By recognizing this connection, we can cultivate leadership skills in all aspects of our lives, fostering stronger relationships, building trust, and inspiring those around us. This is an engaging read with its conversational tone and relatable anecdotes, and it gives a refreshing take on leadership and how to approach challenges with a sense of authenticity and vulnerability. Overall, I enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone looking to develop their leadership skills and improve their relationships.