Facing the Fugitive

Brady Street Boys Indiana Adventure Series Book Two (The Brady Street Boys 1980s Adventure Series)

Children - Christian
220 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by P. Rosenthal for Readers' Favorite

Imagine the 1980s when gas was cheap, and Ronald Reagan was President. Facing the Fugitive by Katrina Hoover Lee is a mystery that will take the young reader to Stratford, Indiana, on the St. Joseph River. Stratford may seem like a quiet small town, but an international fugitive lurks in the shadows, or at least in the vicinity. After resolving a crime in their neighborhood, the thought of a fugitive on the loose piques the Fitzpatrick brothers’ interest. When their family travels by train to the University of Chicago hospital, several passengers seem to fit the international mystique. Then a precious artifact on loan from the Middle East is stolen. Are these observations clues or fodder for the imagination?

Move over, Hardy Boys! In Facing the Fugitive, Katrina Hoover Lee introduces amateur sleuths, “Terry the acrobat,” “Larry the brain,” and "Gary the introspect." The Fitzpatrick family’s Christian faith is the backdrop for their wholesome appeal and likable good natures. Vivid descriptions of the fictional town and actual geographical settings provide the lens for a cinematic experience for the mind. Family, inclusion, ethics, and good versus evil are just a few of the themes in this book. Lee combines a few false clues and red herrings to create a mysterious mood and intriguing tale. The underlying message of joy and joy’s true meaning is a wonderful bonus. Josh Tufts’ comic book-style illustrations enhance the text. Decipher the clues and solve the mystery! Facing the Fugitive is the second book of The Brady Street Boys Indiana Adventure Series. Collect them all!