Firewood and Christmas Potatoes

Children - Non-Fiction
56 Pages
Reviewed on 06/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Firewood and Christmas Potatoes is a heartwarming children’s story written by Robin Carole and illustrated by Sally Fantasia. It is based on true events during the Great Depression, telling the story of Delia, a young girl who travels with her family from Oklahoma to California in search of work and a better life. The story emphasizes the values of hard work, sharing, and love as Delia and her family face severe poverty and hardship. Despite their struggles, Delia's mother works hard picking cotton to provide for her children. Inspired by her mother's lessons, Delia decides to help others one special Christmas and plans community presents despite facing ridicule and bullying from her classmates. Join Delia as she learns the true meaning of love in this heartwarming Christmas story.

Firewood and Christmas Potatoes is a wonderful story that entertains and educates children about important values such as resilience, kindness, and family bonds. The author's engaging writing style and historical context, including insights about the Great Depression, make the story impactful. Robin Carole takes readers on a journey through history and shares profound messages about community, love, and hope. The inclusion of her mother's recipe for potato soup adds a cozy touch, providing readers with a fun activity to try at home with their family. The colorful illustrations bring the characters and scenes to life, making it a delightful read for children. Overall, Firewood and Christmas Potatoes is a great choice for families to enjoy together during the holiday season as it teaches valuable lessons about generosity, perseverance, and not letting negative comments or criticism affect you.