Fish & Sphinx

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
229 Pages
Reviewed on 07/01/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Fish & Sphinx by Rae St. Clair Bridgman captivates young readers with its imaginative blend of fantasy and adventure, set in the enchanting world of MiddleGate. The story begins with Wil Wychwood and his cousin Sophie, whose playful banter and strong bond immediately endear them to the audience. As they navigate the mysterious MiddleGate, readers are introduced to a host of quirky characters, from the dependable Aunt Rue and the whimsical Aunt Violet to the enigmatic Mr. Bertram and the spectral Peeping Peerslie. Vivid descriptions and dynamic dialogue bring the world to life, making it easy for young readers to immerse themselves in this magical realm.

The plot quickly thickens as Wil grapples with the burden of his magical medallion, a relic linked to the Serpent’s Chain secret society. His desire for normalcy is upended when mysterious mists lead him and Sophie into the secret realm of Catfysh, the Spirit of the River. Here, they uncover a plot to destroy one of Canada’s most magical buildings, setting the stage for a high-stakes adventure. Rae St. Clair Bridgman excels in world-building, creating a richly detailed setting that is both familiar and fantastical. The story is packed with suspense, magic, and unexpected twists, keeping young readers on the edge of their seats. The character development is equally compelling, as Wil's journey of self-discovery and his struggle with his responsibilities resonate deeply. The narrative is not just about magical escapades but also about friendship, courage, and the importance of understanding one’s heritage. Fans of children’s sci-fi and fantasy will find Fish & Sphinx an enchanting read, filled with wonder, humor, and heart.