Fit for Service

Navigating the Crossroads of FitSM and ITSM for Seamless Implementation

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
229 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Delivering efficient, effective, and value-driven service to customers is one of the most essential requirements for businesses that seek to thrive and succeed in today's hyper-competitive environment. This book is for all professionals and executives who strive toward the smooth functioning of service management practices within their organizations. Fit for Service delves into the FitSM and ITSM methodologies -- frameworks to help professionals seamlessly incorporate IT services in their organizations to ensure value-driven and fast-paced services to customers. Author Naza Semenoff takes readers through a step-by-step guide exploring FitSM and ITSM frameworks, including the key differences between the two, implementation challenges, potential pitfalls of FitSM, objectives of SMS risk management, alignment and business objectives, developing an implementation plan, setting up a project team, monitoring and communication, support and training, and more.

Boasting a background in ITSM with an MBA, Naza Semenoff offers a comprehensive guide for IT professionals to help them enhance and optimize their service delivery and support operations. The book is very technical at times, but Semenoff presents the contents in a manner that is accessible and easy for the reader to grasp. Everyone plying their trade in the IT service and support industry should read this book. The FitSM framework is covered comprehensively, from its benefits to potential pitfalls, alongside its differences from the ITSM framework. Semenoff has a keen eye for detail and provides in-depth briefings on each topic in every chapter. All in all, I found the book very informative and educational. I highly recommend Fit for Service to anyone working as an IT professional or in service management.