Foundations of Tapping

Inviting EFT and Other Tapping Practices Into Your Life

Non-Fiction - Self Help
178 Pages
Reviewed on 07/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Foundations of Tapping by Stacey Webb is a comprehensive guide that introduces Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and other tapping practices to help you overcome stress, trauma, and limiting beliefs. It includes a workbook where you can record your progress, and document practical exercises, experiences, and intensity levels. The author, drawing on her knowledge as an intuitive somatic mentor and trauma-trained practitioner, empowers readers on various uplifting and life-fulfilling topics. The book teaches essential skills to regulate your nervous system and build confidence, covering multiple techniques, including acupuncture points, uplifting affirmations, and chakra points. It encourages readers to tap with family and friends to share the benefits, and it also encourages approaching our personal growth with love and compassion rather than fear, developing self-love, identity, passion, and creativity.

Foundations of Tapping introduces readers to a fascinating topic that can assist in their healing journey. Stacey Webb covers many emotions and different points on the body that can be tapped to resolve them. Similar to how a pat on the back can make you feel safe and comforted during a hug, tapping on different points of the body can help you confront and deal with various types of trauma. This technique can be especially helpful for those who have experienced trauma or chronic stress as it allows for a safe and controlled release of pent-up emotions, ultimately leading to greater emotional resilience and overall health. The incorporation of interactive questions and instructions makes the book more engaging and immersive, encouraging readers to actively participate. Additionally, the use of visual aids and illustrations helps in locating tapping points. This is a must-read for anyone seeking healing, comfort, and release from overwhelming emotions. Overall, this is great work.