
From Darkness Unto Light

Children - Christian
84 Pages
Reviewed on 09/26/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Frankendork: From Darkness Unto Light by Barney Ludkins is a delightful and meaningful children's book that masterfully blends Christian values with an engaging storyline. Franky is a young boy dealing with the all-too-common issue of a school bully. Things take an unexpected turn when two mischievous monsters appear, coaxing Franky into seeking revenge through a series of pranks. The plot thickens as Franky struggles with the moral implications of his actions, guided by his neighbor George and the quiet yet powerful convictions of the Holy Spirit.

Barney Ludkins weaves biblical lessons into the tale without being overly preachy. The story's core message, inspired by Matthew 5:7 ("Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy"), encourages young readers to understand the importance of mercy and forgiveness, even in challenging situations. Illustrator Ilham Fatkurahman brings the characters to life with bold, vivid colors as Franky deals with Billy, a bully who does all he can to make Franky’s life miserable. After Franky reads the story of David and Goliath with his father and goes to bed, Ludkins introduces Chugg and Snot, two silly-looking monsters that encourage Franky to prank his bully. Each character is well-developed and relatable, especially to children who have been bullied and teased at school. The pacing is well-suited for a young audience, keeping readers engaged while delivering its important moral lessons. Frankendork is a great addition to any child's library, especially for those looking to reinforce Christian values and the power of forgiveness.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

In Frankendork, Barney Ludkins's first Christian book for children, Dr. Frankendork prays for a child of his own. After years of what he thought were unanswered prayers, God allows him to create his own son, Franky. Franky plays with his best friend, Jacob, and Jacob warns him about Billy, the school's biggest bully, when it is time to start school. Billy is mean to Franky, and two odd creatures, Chugg and Snot, coerce him into getting revenge. Even though his first thoughts are to pray to the Lord with his troubles, Franky listens to Chugg and Snot, the "gruesome twosome," pranking Billy for his bullying. God puts people in Franky's path to caution him against evil, and one day Franky learns the root of Billy's anger.

Barney Ludkins shares a very important lesson with children. With colorful illustrations by Ilham Fatkurahman, Ludkins shows the effects of revenge and compassion. Children often struggle with intimidating peers, and they need to see the bully from a new perspective. By presenting a child who receives the same treatment at home as he extends to others, Ludkins demonstrates the need for grace. Readers will finish the book with a new understanding they can share with the people around them. Franky learns smaller lessons in the story, too, like talking to his father when he's upset, making this a well-rounded story for youngsters. Caregivers and educators can feel confident about recommending Frankendork to young people as it focuses primarily on making faith-based decisions.

Ann Linus

Franky is a special kid, made by his scientist dad and blessed by God, but this makes him an easy target for a class bully, Billy. On Franky’s first day in school, Billy makes life so hard for Franky that he starts to feel an emotion he had never felt before. This feeling attracts two smelly otherworldly visitors, Chugg and Snot. With Chugg and Snot goading him, Franky began to secretly play mean pranks on Billy. Although Billy is oblivious to Franky’s scheming, his life becomes more difficult, and ironically he takes out his frustration on Franky, which fuels Franky’s anger even more. How long before Franky listens to the Lord’s nudging in his heart and turns from the dark path? Read Frankendork: From Darkness Unto Light by Barney Ludkins to find out.

Frankendork: From Darkness Unto Light is a Christian children’s book that portrays young Franky’s struggle with anger and revenge. The story is illustrated with beautiful pictures by Ilham Fatkurahman. I gleaned several lessons from it, the most outstanding of which is to be mindful of the people I entertain as friends. Franky would not have gotten sucked into the cycle of vengeance were it not for Chugg and Snot. I like that this book provided a Christian approach to a common challenge that children face; the earlier we learn to rely on God, the easier life will be for us. I felt the last set of illustrations hinted at a story about Franky, Billy, and Suzy, and I look forward to it and more of Frankendork from Barney Ludkins.

Philip Van Heusen

In Frankendork: From Darkness Unto Light by Barney Ludkins, young readers will learn many spiritual lessons as they follow Franky and his antics with other students at his school. Franky and his friend Jacob head to school for Franky’s first day. There, they run into the school’s bully, Billy. Billy did what bullies do, and Franky didn’t like it in the least. That night, two evil, foul beings, Chugg and Snot, emerged from under Franky’s bed, encouraging him to play pranks on Billy. Franky’s next-door neighbor reminds him of what God says in His Word and encourages Franky to pray for and forgive Billy. Franky realizes he did wrong and asks for God’s help to do the right thing. Read this book to learn how God worked in Franky’s and Billy’s lives. Learn to understand why bullies do what they do and be kind to them. Some of the lessons your child will learn are empathy, spiritual warfare, and the power of forgiveness.

Barney Ludkins knows that Christians face temptations in many areas and sometimes fall into bad behavior. In Frankendork: From Darkness Unto Light, he shares situations that most young school children can identify with. Often, children do not know the right course of action, but Barney helps them learn to trust God and follow His directives in the Scripture. This book is written at an early elementary level but will interest children of all ages. Children will be excited to turn the page and see what happens next. Barney is a Christian and shares his faith throughout this book. He says that empathy is important in understanding why bullies misbehave. He also discusses forgiveness and how to repay evil with kindness. Even though it is hard, God tells us to pray for our enemies. Read this book with and to your children, then discuss the lessons taught in the book.

Frank Mutuma

In Frankendork by Barney Ludkins, Dr. Frankendork is a frustrated man. Despite his efforts, he has not been able to have a child, but due to his scientific knowledge, he decides to make a child with this knowledge. God allows it to happen, to use the unusual event for his glorification. Franky is highly bored due to his inability to relate to his father’s scientific work, but luckily, he makes a genuine friend called Jacob. Jacob is confident despite his other shortcomings and can understand how other children might react to Franky’s unusual origins, as seen during their first day of school. The school environment presents a new set of challenges. How will Franky react to being harassed by Billy and will it change his personality and upbringing?

God is faithful and merciful is the message I got from Frankendork by Barney Ludkins. Another thing that caught my eye in this wonderful children’s book was the amazing illustrations that I believe will captivate young minds and will make it effective in passing on the intended message. Readers will also appreciate the book’s ability to show that it is possible to utilize the current advancements in technology for the greater good of humanity and do God's work. The work is also thought-provoking as the themes explored trigger one to think about the importance of doing the right thing and the dangers of being vengeful and trusting other powers to get even with those who wrong us. The language used is easy to understand, hence making the book accessible to all kinds of readers. I look forward to reading something else by this talented author.