From The Sky

From the Sky Trilogy Book 1

Young Adult - Paranormal
346 Pages
Reviewed on 05/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

From The Sky is a work of fiction in the science fiction, interpersonal drama, and romance genres, and is the opening novel of the From the Sky Trilogy aimed at young adult readers. Penned by author J E Nicassio, the plot is centered on Samantha Hunter, who survives a fatal car crash thanks to Lucien Foster's intervention. As Samantha delves into her connection with Lucien, their blossoming romance faces the daunting obstacle of MJ 12, a shadowy government agency pursuing them to exploit their forbidden union. Amidst an interstellar mystery, Lucien is forced to confront a choice between his love for Samantha and the fate of the universe, propelling readers into a heart-pounding narrative of love, danger, and cosmic intrigue.

Author J E Nicassio has crafted an exhilarating journey into a world where love transcends galaxies and government conspiracies threaten to tear it apart. The tension woven into the dialogue and romantic drama creates a fascinating dynamic right from the opening scenes, drawing readers into the lives of Samantha and Lucien as they navigate a perilous path of forbidden love and interstellar intrigue. I loved the way the action moments were described, with a visceral quality that went beyond the cinematic and made you feel like it was happening to you personally. The blend of science fiction elements with the credible emotional depth of a fresh teenage romance kept me eagerly turning pages, and it was so easy to root for the central couple thanks to the close attention paid to narrative details. Nicassio's vivid prose and skillful pacing captivated me from start to finish, leaving me eager to delve deeper into the subsequent installments of the trilogy. Overall, From The Sky delivers a thrilling and emotionally resonant tale that lingers long after the final page, and I would certainly recommend it to YA paranormal romance fans everywhere.

Pikasho Deka

From the Sky is the first installment in the From the Sky Trilogy by J.E. Nicassio. Samantha Hunter's life turns upside down after a car crash takes the life of her brother, Finn, but she astonishingly survives. Not long after, her mother commits suicide, and now her father's new job has forced Sam to leave her life in Pittsburgh to move to Trinity, New Mexico. In Trinity, Sam meets Lucien Foster, her new schoolmate, who is actually an alien living a secret life on Earth, along with his siblings. Sam and Lucien have a mutual connection neither can deny. Sam learns that government agencies and a group of alien mutants are deeply interested in her relationship with Lucien. But when a deadly chase results in the death of one of the agents, it threatens to break the Alliance.

Filled with action, mystery, and romance, From the Sky is a fantastic start to what promises to be an enthralling saga for young adult sci-fi readers. J.E. Nicassio builds on a captivating series to deliver a fast-paced novel that keeps you hooked with twists, turns, and unexpected reveals you never see coming. The author drops you into the action from the get-go. As you continue reading, you get more and more pulled into this fascinating tale featuring multiple alien races, experimental mutants, covert government agencies, etc. If you're a fan of The X-Files, you will have a great time with this book. Nicassio's character work and worldbuilding are truly phenomenal. These are the two main reasons I enjoyed the book as much as I did. Recommended to sci-fi lovers.

Miche Arendse

Samantha Hunter’s life seemed as though it was falling apart until a fateful encounter in From The Sky by J.E. Nicassio. Having lost her twin brother in an accident and her mother not long after, Sam found herself in a dark place. That is until she meets Lucien, the mysterious and handsome guy who seems to spark all-new emotions in her. Only love won’t come easy when the government is hell-bent on keeping them apart. From The Sky is the type of book that has just the right amount of everything: romance, action, suspense, and a good old sci-fi twist for some extra spice.

I found myself enjoying this book a lot more than I thought I would and I give all the credit to Nicassio’s amazing writing skills. The author has such an amazing talent for writing beautifully descriptive scenes and realistic, moving dialogue. You can’t help getting caught up in the story and the emotions of the characters. Reading From The Sky was reminiscent of watching one of the old but gold sci-fi shows like Roswell, just with a bit more romance. You become so engrossed in what’s happening that you don’t realize time is flying past. I also enjoyed the fact that J.E. Nicassio introduced various extra-terrestrial races into the narrative which not only brings depth to the plot and the story universe but also offers the possibility of even more amazing characters. Overall, I loved this book and I would be happy to read any sequels. I highly recommend this book to any sci-fi fan.