From Tickhill, 1348

Fiction - Historical - Personage
280 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

From Tickhill, 1348 by Pamela Taylor is a historical fiction novel that delves into the tumultuous political landscape of medieval France. The story follows Jeanne de Flandre, the wife of John de Montfort, who is named the Duke of Brittany in his half-brother's will. When political intrigues lead to Montfort's imprisonment by the French king, Jeanne must summon her courage and resourcefulness to defend his claim to the duchy and safeguard their son's future. Set against the backdrop of the impending Hundred Years War, the novel explores themes of power, loyalty, and the resilience of a woman fighting for her family's legacy. Taylor has crafted a read that immerses readers in the historical context of the 14th century through meticulous research and vivid descriptions. She brings medieval Brittany to life in living color and vibrant prose, allowing readers to experience the era's political complexities and societal norms naturally through the way the characters discuss them and have their lives impacted by them.

Pamela Taylor excels at creating multidimensional characters, particularly the central figure of Jeanne de Flandre, who embodies resilience and determination on her journey from a quietly bold supportive wife to a formidable leader. The progression is both inspiring and believable and the close narrative viewpoint captures her internal conflicts and motivations with a brilliant focus on emotion and empowerment. The novel’s skillful pacing also keeps the reader invested in the plot, balancing moments of tension with reflective passages that allow for equally compelling moments of character growth. In a historical context often dominated by male figures, Taylor’s portrayal of Jeanne as a powerful protagonist challenges traditional gender roles, and the gradually building theme of female agency makes the historical narrative even more relevant and thought-provoking for modern readers. Overall, From Tickhill, 1348 is a highly recommended read for fans of sweeping historical dramas and engaging character-led storytelling.