Gnarly Little Thrill

Fiction - Time Travel
376 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Gnarly Little Thrill is a work of fiction in the time travel, nostalgia, adventure, and interpersonal drama genres. It is suitable for the mature teen and general adult audience with explicit language, scenes of sex and violence, and drug references. Penned by author River Davis, this novel takes readers on a genre-bending adventure that intertwines fantasy, time travel, rock n' roll, and 80s nostalgia into an electrifying tale of redemption and second chances. Solana and Haldis, armed with dreams of redemption and a possibly insane aunt with a questionable time-traveling vehicle, embark on a radical journey to remix their past, facing moral dilemmas and unforeseen consequences along the way.

Author River Davis took me on a wild ride through time and nostalgia in a vibrant and immersive world that has so much to offer. Solana and Haldis's quest for redemption is narrated with great characterization, and I felt as though I really got to know them both so well thanks to the attention to detail in their speech and thought presentation. The plot is filled with emotive encounters and moral dilemmas that help them develop and change, highlighting the complexities of personal growth in new, exciting ways amidst some amusing and adventurous twists. The nostalgic references to 80s music, fashion, and pop culture were beautifully layered in the work for an atmospheric punch, and the attitudes and social ideas of freedom from that time permeated deep into the emotional throughline of the piece for added resonance and thematic depth. Overall, Gnarly Little Thrill is a brilliant fantasy adventure that I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone seeking an accomplished and exciting new author to fall for.