Have You Ever Thanked Your Nose?

Growing Gratitude for Children

Children - Picture Book
37 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foram Vyas for Readers' Favorite

Have You Ever Thanked Your Nose? Growing Gratitude for Children by Jacqui Letran is a delightful and charming tale centered around a young girl's conversation with her nose. Throughout the story, the girl explores all the wonderful things she can experience through her nose, from smelling flowers to enjoying the aroma of freshly baked cookies. However, the narrative also touches on the less pleasant aspect of having a nose, like dealing with a stuffy nose when she catches a cold. This book is an engaging way to teach children about the senses and the importance of caring for themselves when they're unwell.

Jacqui Letran's writing is wonderfully playful and accessible, making it a perfect read for young children. The plot is simple yet engaging, capturing the curiosity and imagination of its audience. The pacing is well-suited for a children's book, keeping little readers interested without overwhelming them. The illustrations by Jacqui Letran are particularly noteworthy—adorable and vibrant, they complement the text beautifully and add an extra layer of charm to the story. The characters, especially the little girl, are endearing and relatable, making it easy for children to connect with the story. Moreover, the book emphasizes gratitude, teaching kids to appreciate the simple joys in life. It promotes empathy and compassion, showing how kindness can heal and comfort. Using the nose's experiences as a metaphor for life's emotional ups and downs, the story empowers children to find joy even in challenging moments. Highlighting self-love through self-care teaches us that caring for our bodies with nutritious foods and rest is an act of self-honor. Have You Ever Thanked Your Nose? is a delightful blend of education and entertainment, making it a must-read for youngsters and a great addition to any child's bookshelf.