He Loves Me Not

An Intimate Look at the Toxic World of Teen Dating Violence

Young Adult - Social Issues
218 Pages
Reviewed on 08/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

In He Loves Me Not by Nenia Corcoran, Sasha is a nerdy girl who loves school. She is concerned about her looks, and even her mother insinuates she is not physically appealing. Despite her nerdy tendencies, she has some friends, and Amanda has been her best friend for many years. Adam plays baseball and is very attractive. Being one of the most popular guys in school, he could have chosen any girl he wanted, but when it came to choosing a chemistry partner, he chose Sasha. Amanda is concerned for her best friend and thinks Adam only chose Sasha to keep his grades up to keep playing baseball. After some time and a date, Adam asks Sasha to be his girlfriend. Adam is insensitive, and soon Sasha finds herself caught in his web of manipulation. How will things turn out for Sasha?

He Loves Me Not by Nenia Corcoran is wonderfully written and excellently captures things that teenagers go through in high school, like popularity and relationship issues. I loved the unique narration and the highly engaging dialogue that grabbed my attention from the first page to the last. Another thing that gripped me in this amazing work was the role of social structures in the upbringing of children. For instance, one can’t help but think about how Sasha’s upbringing impacted her. Nenia ensured the characters were well-developed and all events and emotions were vividly described, which helped me create a mental picture of what was happening. The plot also flows seamlessly, which leaves no room for confusion for the reader. This was a great read, and I look forward to more by this talented author.