Heartstrings Into Infinity

A Story of Eternal Love

Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
220 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Mr. Philip L. Kahn talks about how he met Myken in Heartstrings Into Infinity. They meet on an app called The Clubhouse. From the start, Philip thinks Myken is beautiful and is instantly attracted to her. Myken is attracted to another guy called Robert, who seems to be very insensitive to her. This becomes clear when Myken is diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She is optimistic that she will defeat it, but things take a drastic turn very quickly. Robert distances himself from her, but Philip remains in contact, offering her support. At one point, he even contemplates going to Arizona to take care of her. After Myken’s death, Philip is devastated and constantly wonders if Myken loved him as much as he had loved her. Is there a way to know how much she cared, and is there a possibility to connect with her on the other side?

Myken's story in Heartstrings Into Infinity by Mr. Philip L. Kahn is not just a story of courage and resilience but also tremendous strength. I believe Myken’s story will be very inspirational to those facing various challenges. I loved the different virtues displayed, such as selflessness and the importance of having good friends and a strong social support network. This thought-provoking work also got me thinking about spirituality and other things like what happens when one dies and the possibility of connecting with those who are still alive. Philip also ensured the narration was excellent and the language used was easy to read, which makes the work accessible to all kinds of readers. This was a great read, and I look forward to reading something else by this author.