Henry's Version

Fiction - Literary
190 Pages
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Makeda Cummings for Readers' Favorite

Henry's Version by Brett Shapiro is a gripping novel dedicated to the significant moments in the life of an elderly man, Henry. These moments include Henry's first crush and heartbreak as a boy, his interactions with his family, his marriage to his husband Len, the birth and life of their son Toby, Henry and Len's life as a married couple, the death of Henry's parents, Len's death, the rise and fall of Toby's marriage and the birth and life of Henry's granddaughter Lydia. The novel begins during Henry's early teen years and concludes when he is in his seventies. Even though Henry has lived a fulfilling life, he still tries to find meaning and purpose when he can. He calmly wonders what the future has in store for him. As always, he is bold and unafraid. This too is another part of his amazing journey.

Elegantly written and achingly beautiful, Henry's Version explores the most intimate take on life, vulnerability, love, loss, and self-awareness I have read in years. It warms the heart and exudes tenderness all at once. This emotional and unforgettable novel celebrates love and life to the fullest. It tenderly and realistically depicts the key little moments in the main character's life. Each additional character is well-fleshed out and intriguing. Even though this novel is solely about Henry's life, the other characters breathe life into his world. This is the perfect novel to pull you out of your reality and place you into someone else's for a while. It will inspire you to reflect on your life at the end of the book. If you love intense character-driven books, I encourage you to read this one.