Heroic Measures

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
379 Pages
Reviewed on 06/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

Heroic Measures is an action-packed thriller by Joel Shulkin. During an autopsy by Armed Forces Medical Examiner Stephen Englehart, a dead soldier awakes. The soldier mysteriously heals and attacks Stephen’s friend before escaping. This brings back memories of Stephen’s father’s death thirty years before. Stephen recognizes certain features that remind him of his father before he died. A group of dead soldiers is sent to Stephen for safekeeping, but he is prevented from performing autopsies on them. One of the bodies was wrongly identified, deepening the mystery surrounding their deaths. Stephen and his friend ask permission from their boss to carry out autopsies. What they find relates to the events of thirty years ago. Stephen’s search for answers leads him to a military experiment that dates back to the time of his father’s death.

Joel Shulkin planned and executed an interesting and complex plot with skill. Heroic Measures is a rollercoaster ride filled with thrills and intrigue. It was fast-paced with no downtime. All the suspense, action, and plot twists kept me on the edge of my seat. I could not put it down and had to keep reading. The action starts on the first page and never stops. The events were descriptive and dramatic, and I easily became part of them. The characters were well-developed and strong throughout the narration. The chemistry between Stephen and Melinda made for an interesting subplot. The story is exceptionally well-written and magnificent. The ending had major twists that I did not see coming. This is an excellent read that will stay with you for quite a while.