Hunting Tobias

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
322 Pages
Reviewed on 08/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alija Turkovic for Readers' Favorite

Hunting Tobias by Michael Putegnat and Wayne Moore is a tale that traverses three generations and across different continents. The main character, Joseph, seeks the help of his friends Brendan, Frank, and Richard to uncover the truth of his family's history. Joseph's father, Daniel, is a Holocaust survivor who grew up to become a Nazi hunter. Daniel always believed that his parents and sister died during the Holocaust. However, he was on the brink of discovering they escaped the concentration camps and were still alive. But before Daniel could complete his discoveries, he died under questionable circumstances. Joseph and his group of friends need answers. They aim to unravel the truth about Daniel's mysterious life (and death) and locate Tobias, Joseph's grandfather. After following a suspicious money trail, their case leads them to banks in Zurich, Vienna, and Brazil and eventually to Venezuela. As they get closer to unlocking the mysteries surrounding Joseph's family history, they are targeted by dangerous people and corrupt political forces. This journey challenges them to make difficult decisions. Amidst the fray, the truth comes to light. Join these brave men on their quest today.

Michael Putegnat and Wayne Moore have written an engaging and suspenseful novel filled with political intrigue, action, and drama. It's jam-packed with family secrets, conspiracies, historical injustices, and good versus evil scenarios. The historical mystery woven into this novel will immediately grasp your attention. I was excited to learn what transpired in the lives of Daniel and Tobias and how surviving a tragic historical event like the Holocaust would impact their future actions. Each chapter added another essential detail that would eventually connect the entire story. The suspense and dramatic build-up made Hunting Tobias a true page-turner. Every character (including the villain) is well-written and fascinating. Joseph, his friends, their globetrotting experiences, the shocking discoveries, and their respective challenges made this novel hard to put down. I recommend Hunting Tobias to fans of historical mysteries built around the Holocaust and World War II events. This multi-generational tale will linger in your thoughts long after you've finished this enlightening book.