I Am a Precious Child of God

Mini Devotionals With Faith-Based Affirmations

Children - Christian
35 Pages
Reviewed on 03/31/2023
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Author Biography

Misty Black is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author of children's books. When she's not busy crafting meaningful stories that inspire and delight children worldwide, you'll find her exploring her faith, spending time with her family, or engaging in a friendly competition over her favorite board games. She's only a bit competitive, or so she says (wink).

Her passion for cooking runs deep, as she learned the importance of a home-cooked meal from her mother at a young age. And while she can brew up a mean pot of soup, she'd be the first to admit that her singing voice leaves much to be desired. She loves the great outdoors and camping in the mountains. However, she doesn't get to go as much as she'd like. But that doesn't stop her from seeking adventure in other ways, mainly through reading and writing.

Her ultimate goal is to inspire a love for reading in every child so they, too, can embark on thrilling adventures without ever leaving the comfort of their own minds. If you're looking for a family-oriented author with a passion for inspiring young minds and a willingness to sing off-key while whipping up a cheesy lasagna, look no further!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Michelle Robertson for Readers' Favorite

Happiness is said to be one of the keys to enjoying a great life. Words are a powerful tool to gain that happiness. Being happy with yourself and with your relationships is a significant first step. To a person of faith, this happiness comes from following the word of God. Combining the power of words and faith, Misty Black has created an excellent resource with I Am a Precious Child of God: Mini Devotionals With Faith-Based Affirmations.

I Am a Precious Child of God by Misty Black is an amazing children’s book. The author went above and beyond in producing this book with its incredibly drawn illustrations, affirmations, gospel lessons, and Bible verses. Each page is elegantly designed with vibrant colors, eye-catching text, pictures, and inspirational affirmations. Each page also has a verse at the bottom for readers to reference. Not only is the child learning to be happy with themselves the way God intended, but they will also learn more about the Bible as they look up each verse featured.

This book is a wonderful addition to any family, individual, or educational facility looking to bring faith-based positivity into their lives and the daily routines of their children, or students. Often people say “never go to bed angry” and with this book, you will find peace and happiness to ensure a happy end to the day and a fresh start to your morning. I love this book and its message to gain and spread joy and happiness through our Lord and Savior.

Beautiful Christian Book

This book is so gorgeous to teach children about the power of faith! The illustrations are absolutely adorable and I love that the author linked different affirmations to Bible verses! Such a wonderful book!


This book is a gentle daily reminder of our infinite worth and value. Perfect for young and old alike. As you read this book with your children or begin to practice daily affirmations with them , they will feel of God’s love for them. Illustrations are beautiful, and portray the deep meanings of each carefully thought out word. Highly recommend!

Absolutely beautiful faith-based book

Another wonderful bool by this author.

This faith-based book is beautiful in every way. The illustrations are absolutely stunning, and each page is a positive reminder to the child of how wonderful they are, how valued they are, and how they are surrounded by God's love and protection.
These short, positive affirmations can be read independently each day, or as a whole book: it's perfect for both.
The book would be a wonderful addition to school libraries and classrooms in a religious school, in children's church groups, and in home too. Bible references are written throughout.
It has been clearly witten and illustrated with love, positivity and devotion to God.

Etaine Raphael

I love reading this book with both of my daughters. It is such a sweet and powerful reminder of how special they are and how loved they should feel every day. The illustrations are also gorgeous - another thought-provoking, wonderful book by Misty Black!


Great book with beautiful illustrations!


I Am a Precious Child of God: Mini Devotionals with Faith-Based Affirmations, written by Misty Black and illustrated by Gabby with corresponding beautiful affirmations. Affirmations such as “God knows me and hears my prayers,” “I can take care of the Earth,” and “I am not alone. God will help me,” with Bible references included. What a precious way to be reminded of these truths.
A glorious message on each and every page. This book is a gift. Reading this book will affirm God's love for you.