I Loved You First

Romance - Contemporary
375 Pages
Reviewed on 10/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

I Loved You First by Cate Beauman is an exciting contemporary romance infused with realism and humanity. It is a tale of youthful love, heartbreak, and the enduring quest for connection. At twenty-seven, Fiona Willis has a great life, supportive friends, a dream job as a senior events planner in a reputable firm, and a condo. But she can’t forget the man who once broke her heart. Cameron Bennet is a single dad and head construction manager at Bennet & Sons. As a single dad, he must juggle his time between doing his duties as a father and managing his hectic schedule, but he has never forgotten Fiona. When they explore love again, are they ready for it this time? Set against the backdrop of scenic Maple Ridge, Vermont, the novel revolves around the relationship between Fiona and Cameron as it unfolds with layers of character depth and evolving dynamics. The drama heightens with the revelation of Cam’s involvement with another woman, resulting in a child—a devastating blow to their once inseparable bond.

Cate Beauman creates believable characters that are elaborately explored. Fiona is a determined and ambitious woman whose dreams and aspirations clash with her unexpected return to a past she thought she had left behind. The internal conflict is ingeniously written and features Fiona grappling with her feelings of betrayal and her desire for independence while attempting to navigate her new reality. Cam emerges as a multifaceted character. He is a loving father, a dedicated builder, and a man struggling with past mistakes. His journey of redemption and the desire to provide a stable home for his son, Brady, enhances the story’s complexity. The conflict between his longing for Fiona and his obligations as a father paints a vivid portrait of a man learning to balance love and responsibility. The dialogue is intimate and cleverly crafted, capturing the nuances of mature relationships. The setting enhances the narrative—a homely yet vibrant Maple Ridge symbolizes both comfort and the burdens of the past. This juxtaposition emphasizes the dual nature of the characters’ lives—they embrace their present while wrestling with their histories. I Loved You First is a skillfully delivered contemporary romance with moments that are resonant and real.