I See Superheroes Everywhere

Children - Social Issues
24 Pages
Reviewed on 10/07/2024
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Author Biography

Kacey and her husband are Marine Corps Veterans and she is a proud Mama of two. She's been working with children who have special needs throughout her life. Her father set the example for her to follow! Her own personal experience with her son has lead her on a journey of ups and downs. Being an advocate for your child in every single way is challenging, that is where she saw an opportunity to help children and other parents.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

I See Superheroes Everywhere is a children’s picture book written and illustrated by Kacey Becker. It follows a boy who celebrates the superheroes in his life on a school career day. His heroes are all people with special needs, but through the child's eyes, he sees their unique qualities and strengths. His heroes include his teacher Miss Stewart, who, despite being in a wheelchair, is lightning fast, Carly, a blind girl with a sidekick guide dog who find everything together, and many more special people. From strong huggers to mind readers and super geniuses, the narrator lists everyone's special abilities and how he wishes he could have them too. Join the young boy as he celebrates people with special needs and embraces the many forms of true heroism.

I See Superheroes Everywhere is a heartwarming story that promotes inclusivity and understanding of people with special needs. It encourages young readers to appreciate and celebrate diversity in our schools and communities. Seeing people with special needs from a child’s innocent perspective eliminates stigma and helps us recognize their extraordinary contributions and talents as individuals. Kacey Becker presents this message in an engaging and thought-provoking way. Her storytelling appeals to children and lets them embrace others despite their disabilities. The book has discussion questions that raise awareness, empathy, and understanding, making it a well-needed resource for helping children navigate their feelings and attitudes toward people with special needs. The colorful illustrations bring the characters to life. Overall, this is a good read that promotes a culture of acceptance and support and an inspirational tale that will motivate people with disabilities to view themselves positively as heroes in their own right.