In Search of My Heart

Christian - Historical Fiction
370 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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Author Biography

Larry and Carol were married in 1978 and have combined their careers and life experiences to bring a unique blend to their writing. They love to travel and have visited all seven continents and all fifty states, connecting with individuals across the world. They also enjoy mentoring young adults, whom they fondly identify as their “children.”

Larry and Carol McGehe teamed up to create In Search of My Heart as a labor of love for their reading audience. This story was born in the middle of the night after a Bible Study with friends and has become one of the most intense and rewarding projects the McGehes have ever undertaken. Their prayer is that through Miriam’s story, readers will be challenged, inspired, and encouraged in their journey of faith.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

In Search of My Heart is a work of fiction in the historical fiction, interpersonal drama, and religious writing genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Penned by author Carol Amon McGehe, this intriguing and compelling drama follows Miriam, a young woman in first-century Israel, raised in a strict religious family. Despite her curiosity and desire for adventure, Miriam's life is upended by tragedy and disillusionment. As she grapples with her shattered beliefs, she encounters biblical figures and joins women traveling with Jesus. This journey challenges her faith, confronting her doubts and trials. The novel weaves Miriam's personal struggles with historical and scriptural narratives, offering readers insight into first-century Jewish life and the impact of Jesus' ministry.

Author Carol Amon McGehe utilizes empathy and spiritual knowledge to craft a deeply moving story set in the ancient past. Miriam's journey from a sheltered life to confronting profound personal and spiritual challenges resonated on many levels, not least in her struggles with loss, disillusionment, and faith. This quest for meaning and connection is told with vivid, emotive language and a narrative that clings closely to her with insightful speech and thought presentation. The historical and cultural backdrop enriched the story with its wealth of detail and vivid descriptions, providing a visceral portrayal of daily life during Jesus' time. Miriam's encounters with biblical figures and her evolving relationship with Jesus were both enlightening and poignant, illustrating the transformative power of faith that transcends the historical setting to offer these same enlightenments in the modern day. Overall, In Search of My Heart is a compelling and introspective read that I would certainly recommend.

Vicky J. Dickens

Such a beautiful story! The authors attention to detail and the amount of research that went in to creating this wonderful book is amazing. I never skipped a footnote and I learned so much that I never knew or have forgotten. I’m suggesting this book to all of my friends!

Polly Berry

The authors did an amazing job of bringing the Biblical characters to life. I am not normally a fan of historical novels, but I thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful story.

Melissa Heiland

I was captivated from the first page. This book is beautiful and moving. I give it my highest recommendation.

Richard Woofter

Whether you are searching for answers about God or are a long time Bible scholar, this book is for you. I was most impressed with the historic account of life during this period of history when Jesus inhibited the earth. The book is life changing in its ability to bring life and wisdom into current times and answer many questions about life in general and during long ago times. It’s amazing how times change, but people are basically the same…as we all seek to understand what our hearts truly value.

Liz Murdoch

This read was the perfect accompaniment to my life as a just-baptized Christian woman. I’m interested in learning all I can about the life of Jesus. This brought it! I’d like to read more about what happened after the end of this book. I’d like to see another book from these authors.

Rebecca Sarwi

I read this book out loud with my kids (ages 11 and 14). We also accessed the study questions available on the author's website and used as discussion/reading comprehension/reflection after each chapter as part of our homeschool for literature. The study questions were very helpful and appreciated the authors thought to make these. We all really enjoyed this book and were excited to read each next chapter to see what was next! The detail given to historical accuracy was much appreciated. We even read the chapter notes/footnotes that gave reference and explanations to the history. This book contains both true history and also the embellishment of real and fictional characters which made biblical times comes to life for us. I especially appreciated the detail of Jewish tradition surrounding marriage as described as part of the story in the book. The attention to accuracy in the book's description, and what I have now learned, has made my understanding of the teachings of Jesus have more richness and depth when he used the example of a wedding as an illustration. I now understand what his listeners would have known to be true of their culture at the time of his teaching. Overall, this was a great book and would recommend it for any family (can even be your choice of reading for homeschool!)

Steven H. Steadman

Great book! If you like historical fiction, you will love this. Some learn better thru a story than just reading facts. If that is you.... I highly recommend. A Bonus is the discussion questions that make it a great option for a small group.

Light Spreader

Couldn't put it down. Book peaked interest early and maintained curiosity of characters and plot throughout. Even though I knew of basic plot and some characters, I felt immersed in day to day happenings and relationships. It felt like I was there, during Jesus's lifetime, with his friends and enemies. It was very well researched and put together, giving Bible stories life with very relatable characters. Would recommend and can't wait for next in series. Borrowed from my neighbor so unverifiable.

O Perez

From the moment you start reading this book, you are enthralled. There are so many surprising and unexpected twists and turns that captivate you more and more. Each event in the book transports you in time, making you feel as if you are part of it all. I read this book as part of the IW Women’s group, and we unanimously felt as we were walking when Jesus walked. We all loved how the characters developed and how they all made us fall deeper in love with Jesus. We all felt inspired to read the Bible and to walk more intimately with Jesus. This book searched, touched, and filled my heart with love! I personally loved all the historical and biblical information that was provided; it was so enriching. What a wonderful and heavenly read, everyone needs to read it!


I read this book in a group for women. This Capture the audience. Miriam reminded me of latina mother when she wanted to get the truth out of her kids. Not to say much about the book, so you could go out and purchase it. There was one part that really capture me the whole book capture The part when someone was accuse of being Adulteress. I know God is amazing, but I really saw how amazing he is in this book. 10 out of 10. Recommend it, go out and get it.

Kelli Van Doren

Excellent story telling. So accurate and faithful to the Bible including extensive notes. I am very familiar with the Bible stories but this felt new and so alive and fresh and easy to read. The book really drew me into the emotions and thoughts of people experiencing life at the time of Jesus. Highly recommended!!

K Schuett

An AMAZING and insightful read. You won't want to put this book down!!! Miriam's journey imitates our own faith journey as we feel her emotions as she deals with life and death.

Chuck Murdoch

First of all I loved how quickly I got hooked on the characters and the initial story line. It was so easy to stay involved. Another plus was being reacquainted with biblical events very important in Jewish tradition ie. Passover, Feast of the First Fruits, Feasts of the Trumpets, and Pentecost. It was a nice touch to put the characters you had come to know and have feelings for, into those settings. And enjoy how they celebrated those special events. It made everything more real for me. I thought the story was well written, and it was a very easy read. It certainly had me wanting more at the end. Which was a total surprise.

Carolyn Smyth

In Search of My Heart is readable and enjoyable as a novel. It makes known Bible stories real as the reader follows a courageous young Jewish girl whose life intersects with and of course is influenced by the life of Jesus. I was impressed with the descriptive writing which included researched historical events. Very well done.

Beth Thomas

I loved this story because it’s so authentic to what life was like in the time that Jesus lived . Miriam, a young Jewish woman, finds her faith in Jesus through an incredible journey of tragedy , her relationships with family and by following Jesus during his ministry on earth. She witnessed many of his miracles and listened to his parables and through all these things she discovers his love for her. To her dismay, her brother makes a horrific mistake, but in the end, Jesus triumphs over all and her family is able to see that Jesus truly is the Son of God and, their Messiah!

Jon Tindall

This is an amazing story that gives many cultural insights and perspectives on what it may have been like to be alive at the time of Jesus' ministry. Thought-provoking, insightful, and well researched, it weaves the life of a young Jewish girl through growing up, heartache, forgiveness, and the realization that we are all incredibly loved.

Heidi Fleming

Definitely worth reading and studying... "In Search of My Heart" is more than just a story—it's a testament to the power of faith, love, and the human spirit.

Perhaps the most inspiring aspect of this book is Miriam herself—a character whose journey mirrors our own struggles with doubt, loss, and the search for meaning. In her, we find a beacon of hope guiding us through the darkest of times and reminding us that even in our deepest despair, love prevails.

Larry and Carol McGehe have crafted a truly inspirational story that will resonate with readers long after the final page is turned.

Deb Proudfoot

Engaging realistic characters who stay true to scripture while learning about Jesus as the Messiah. The threads of tying the characters to one another and to Jesus create a realistic believable story. I highly recommend this book to anyone. I had to force myself to stop reading at night. I always wanted to know what would happen next. The end was right on. Read it.

Ami Rutledge

Not only is this an exciting story, but I enjoyed learning about the culture of the first-century Jewish people. I also appreciate that the story, as told by Miriam, a young Jewish girl, is based on actual biblical events that are footnoted throughout the book so I can reference the actual events in the Bible. Whether you are interested in historical fiction or aan exciting read, I highly recommend this book!


If you are looking for a spiritual uplifting book, this is the one for you. Ank excellent read I would highly recommend.

Kim Talavera

Unlike some other Christian historical fiction novels, “In Search of My Heart” accurately portrays God’s Word and the cited references in the back support the authenticity. The story is very suspenseful with plot twists and turns and an unexpected ending – God’s Word is not boring and this story is not boring either! The authors’ imaginations, combined with extensive research, flesh out the small details in God‘s Word and increase our understanding of how Jesus Christ gave His life for ours.

Llynn Beroth

This book was very well researched. I learned a lot about Biblical times and daily life.

Wendy Halverson

I have read and heard biblical stories most of my life, but this book opened my world. I felt, I learned, and I could envision what life was like back then. This is a fascinating book and well written. It’s a must read!

John “Dr Music” Wilson

OMG…after watching The Chosen, we were so disappointed when we finished it, but then I discovered this wonderful book I felt like I was right back in the series. The authors must’ve grown up in Jesus time because the detailed knowledge with which they wrote, was staggering! I can’t imagine how much research it would take to write a book of this magnitude! After a little research on my own on the authors, it’s easy to see that they have been world travelers. I never cared enough about a book to write a review, but I would encourage you to treat yourself to a delightful literary treat! You will not regret it! WHEN IS THE NEXT IN THIS SERIES!?!? (Move over Danielle Steele!)

Jul Zirckel

In Search of My Heart brings the reader into the dusty roads of a community you will never want to move away from. Through the pages you discover history, politics, culture and family ties that invite you to sit at the table with the most hospitable, generous and surprising of people. Get to know the characters well. It may change your life.

Monica Troxell

Loved the book. It spoke to me about my walk with Jesus too especially chapter 17. Thanks Carol and Larry for all the hard work in bringing this book to life. Very inspiring.

Pat Brandt

This is an excellent depiction of the life of a young woman back in Jesus' day, that has left a lasting impression on my heart. I am not a reader of fiction. But when my friends Larry and Carol, who co-authored this book, gave me a signed copy, I knew I had to read it. So we took our Bible study group, consisting of 6 women, and did a weekly book study on several chapters each week. Carol even came and sat in on 2 of those sessions, which was a real treat for us, as we had the author right there with us. I think we all saw ourselves in Miriam, the young woman following Jesus. Our group HIGHLY recommends this book.

Rosie Wright

This Book is definitely not your typical written Christian story. You continuously want to know what's on Miriam's mind. I loved the blend of fact and fiction. Great research.

Julie A. McGehe

This is a book you won't be able to put down! Strap in for an exciting journey with Miriam as she deals with life, death, faith and belief. Even though this is written in biblical times, you can easily apply what Miriam learns to the journey you are walking as you laugh, cry and ponder your own faith.

Ron Ellison

GREAT READ. This is a fictional story as told by a young lady, and it is expertly woven around the factual story of Jesus Christ. It keeps the reader constantly wondering how the fictional events relate to the factual events. THEY DO. Also, several surprises, expertly revealed, will throw your mind into high gear with questions, and ah-ha moments. I’m looking forward to the next book of the series.

Felecia Judge

This is a beautifully written piece that weaves real biblical events (each story has a reference to its biblical root) into a very relatable tale of life. From deep loss to elation, Miriam’s story is a testament to the strength within that is created by faith. From her eyes, we see the love and miraculous blessings from Jesus and the promise He holds for us all. Highly recommend!

Judy Fudge

This book is a lovely story blended with biblical history. It allows the reader to follow Jesus through the eyes of a young woman living in a world ruled by Roman authority. Whether unfamiliar with the Bible or one who knows it well, this book will enlighten and entertain you as you accompany Miriam as she seeks the desires of her heart. It is a very pleasurable read.

Kacey Vogel

This is a beautifully written piece that weaves real biblical events (each story has a reference to its biblical root) into a very relatable tale of life. From deep loss to elation, Miriam’s story is a testament to the strength within that is created by faith. From her eyes, we see the love and miraculous blessings from Jesus and the promise He holds for us all. Highly recommend!

Victoria Scheer

This book was hard to put down. It is beautifully written and had me wondering how I would have made it through those times. It is about love, family, friendship, faith and trust in God.

Anne Patterson

The historical novel In Search of My Heart transported me as a reader through the joys and tribulations of family life during Biblical times. In doing so, it drew a subtle parallel to the types of interconnected challenges that our families still face today. As I read the book and “traveled” with this family, I discovered the depth of the characters in response to the geographical influences and cultural norms of the times.As a result, I came away with a clearer understanding of my own daily responses to the cultural influences which surround me.
Beautifully written and painstakingly researched. A must read for every family!

Kathleen Tarnow

Intriguing story following strong-willed Miriam in her search after suffering loss. We follow her as she navigates her way learning and experiencing multiple emotions in her young life that help lead and guide her to life-changing decisions. The notes, maps, and character list are extremely helpful in guiding us on Miriam's journey.

Barb Davis

I bought this book at a book signing and have now shared it with a friend. This is a perfect gift for the holidays. You won't be able to put it down. Love the maps, footnotes and all the extra details which make this a complete package.

Genevieve Lane

This book transports you into another world at another time in history. It is a look into the the heart and soul of a young girl as she experiences joy and tragedy. You become immersed into a different world with unfamiliar customs. You experience a myriad of emotions as the story unfolds and you are drawn into the events of a time in history that has been written about, but from a different perspective. Do not miss the opportunity to read this spellbinding book. It will capture you!!

Kimberly Koester

You will instantly fall in love with the characters (especially Mariam) and will be blown away by the historical detail in this book. It is so well-written and easy to read and I promise you will not want to put it down once you begin!

Barb Davis

I bought this book at a book signing and have now shared it with a friend. This is a perfect gift for the holidays. You won't be able to put it down. Love the maps, footnotes and all the extra details which make this a complete package.

Lolly Fricke

Please read this amazing book! You will filled with joy and sadness and joy again! It is beautifully written research is incredible. A sheer read of love. You will find your heart.

Rosemary Walton

I could hardly wait to get my very own signed copy of “In Search of My Heart.” As I was reading, I became so involved so quickly that when Miriam experienced sadness near the beginning of her story, I wondered if there would be a happy ending!! I became enthralled with the way the story brought the Bible to life and helped me understand how Miriam handled both the happiness and sadness in her own life. Anyone would enjoy reading this lovely inspiring book.

Beth Barnett

This book takes you through love, heartache, fear, faith, joy all while winding through the everyday life of a young Jewish woman and her family during first century Israel. Miriam struggles with her old beliefs and decides to travel with other women following Jesus. What a brave girl!

The author follows biblical, historical, cultural and political teachings. This makes the story even more interesting. It helps you picture yourself walking side by side with Miriam. I plan on joining a Bible study with this being our study book! Purchase this book. You won’t regret it.

Beth Barnett

This book takes you through love, heartache, fear, faith, joy all while winding through the everyday life of a young Jewish woman and her family during first century Israel. Miriam struggles with her old beliefs and decides to travel with other women following Jesus. What a brave girl!

The author follows biblical, historical, cultural and political teachings. This makes the story even more interesting. It helps you picture yourself walking side by side with Miriam. I plan on joining a Bible study with this being our study book! Purchase this book. You won’t regret it.

Lynnette Brent

“The imagery and precise words create a clear and vivid picture of the characters and events. The story is written in a personal way that involves readers and makes you feel like you are really part of the events as they unfold and gives you great insight into what makes these characters “tick.” I am also impressed with the discussion questions. What a great way to provoke deeper thoughts about the story and relate the events of the story to my own life. Looking at the end notes, I realize how important it is to these writers to make the story both engrossing and factually accurate. That attention to detail really sets this work apart from others.”

Sally Buerke

I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed In Search of My Heart. I love historical fiction, especially based on Biblical facts and characters, and told in the first person. Your hand is truly being led by God. I love the portrayal of the characters and how clearly you tell us about their lives. The discussion questions excite me also. Our Women’s Ministry is always looking for new material for our Bible studies to meet the needs of all the women in our church.

Hal Anderson

The story flows easily, and Miriam is an easy-to-like character. I am not a Bible scholar or knowledgeable about the cultures in the time of Christ, but I do enjoy learning and there were enough interesting facts about the times to keep me reading.

Shayla Walker

The book shines light on the authors’ thorough research of Jewish traditions.

Mike Helland

Thoroughly enthralled with your book. The style in the first person is unique and flows so easily. Your talents are exceptional and worthy.

Stephanie Evans

How refreshing! Historical fiction is not my favorite genre. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. My interest was captured in a big way. The discussion questions are wonderful. What a treat to be able to relate to the Old Testament.

Faye Jones

I really enjoyed reading In Search of My Heart. We need more books written like this, where people can read and understand great relationships during that time in history.

Pam Williams

I really liked the way facts from the Bible were woven into the story. It’s fun to imagine all these “extra scenes” that are not actually recorded in scripture but seem to fit so well.

Suzie Hecht

Wow! I feel transported back to the first century. You did such a great job of weaving historical facts and scripture into a good plot. You’ve also represented several personality types into your story, something to represent a variety of readers.

Christina Robb

In Search of My Heart is written in a language of today yet shares a story from the past and what it might have been like living during that time period. The style of writing has kept my interest. The relationships that have been described are relationships that I can relate to. I like the discussion questions and will use them as they apply to my life today. I look forward to many more books from these authors.


This captivating book invites you to embark on a journey back to first-century Israel, immersing you in the rich tapestry of culture, politics, and the profound impact of Jesus's ministry. As you follow Miriam's poignant story of discovery, disappointment, and hope, you'll find the inspiration to overcome your own challenges and reignite your faith.

What sets this book apart is not just its engaging narrative but also the meticulous research, detailed endnotes, and beautiful maps that enhance your understanding of the historical context. It's perfect for anyone seeking personal growth and cultural understanding, making it an essential read for individuals and a thoughtful gift for community groups.

Donna Griffis

I loved the book. It really helped me make more sense of the New Testament. It helps to understand the culture of 1st century Christians . A wonderful read regardless of your religious beliefs.


Though In Search of my Heart speaks to some pretty deep emotions and topics, it is an easy read that kept me engaged throughout.
I didn't want it to end!