Iron Unicorn

Agents of the Royal States Book 2

Romance - Paranormal
435 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Iron Unicorn is the second book in the Agents of the Royal States series by Susan Copperfield. RPS Agent Terry was the head of the security detail for Queen Rachel during her stay in New York. All he had to do was keep the queen safe and sound in New York, and he thought that was easy enough. However, things changed when he found out Princess Olivia of Montana needed to have surgery to breathe properly. Unable to stop himself, Terry knew he couldn’t leave her alone. He would do anything for Olivia, even if it meant breaking his heart in the process. Little did he know, Olivia had a surprise for him as well. There were sparks between them, a chemistry that neither of them could deny, but who would take the first step?

What an incredible, light-hearted romance! The plot was filled with action, great characters, and a sweet love story that had me smiling until the end. I was hooked on this book from the very beginning, and I admit that I finished it in one sitting. I loved Terry and his personality. He reminded me of myself, and I enjoyed that. I formed a connection with him immediately and waited to see what would happen next. The story was sweet, humorous, and perfect for a romantic pick-me-up. The descriptions were good, the imagery was vivid, and the dialogues were crisp. I loved the ending, and I adored the relationship between Terry and Olivia. Now, I want to read the first novel in the series and then reread Iron Unicorn. Kudos to Susan Copperfield!