
A Black Lion Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
300 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Frank Mutuma for Readers' Favorite

Belyaev, always guided by Czernog, felt almost invincible. From time to time, he felt hunger, a different kind of hunger that compelled him to kill. Even his mother helped him in his pursuit of getting rid of those whom he deemed unfit to live in society. His release from the mental hospital had clearly been ordained by Czernog. The Soviet Union had just collapsed, and there was so much chaos going on and so much suffering. In another twist of fate, Belyaev is released from the prison where he was to be executed; he is to learn English and be released to the United States. To find out how things unfold, get a copy. By Ivan by Jake Varanger

Ivan by Jake Varanger is a wonderfully written thriller with a cleverly woven plotline that will leave you on the edge of your seat. The twists and turns kept me intrigued, and I couldn't wait to find out how the events would unfold. The plotline also flows seamlessly, leaving no room for confusion for the reader. Jake also made sure that all the events, places, and emotions of the well-developed characters were vividly described, thus helping to capture the imagination of the reader. The narration is also steady, which adds to the overall appeal of the book while also making it entertaining. Readers will also appreciate the easy-to-understand language used, which makes it accessible to all kinds of readers. I cannot wait to read something else by this talented author.