Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality

Children - Picture Book
40 Pages
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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Author Biography

Jennifer Nestor’s passion for writing grew out of her love for penning poems, song lyrics, and short stories as a little girl. Now a marketing and communications professional, Jennifer draws on these experiences as an adult and considers writing one of the best parts of her career. She’s always enjoyed the creativity and emotion of storytelling and is truly thrilled to share new stories that encourage bravery in young readers. Her mission as an author is to create imaginative books that make a positive impact and promote diverse characters who acquire strength, courage, and a sense of individuality through their adventures. Learn more at www.jennestorauthor.com.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality by Jennifer Nestor is a children’s picture book with a very important message. Jane was having a fun morning until it was time to go to school. You see, Jane feels different and that she doesn't fit in. When she gets on the school bus, she drifts off into a dream world and finds herself in a place called the Jungle of Individuality. There, she finds lots of animals, each with their own unique character. Tim the Tiger, Claire the Cheetah, and Avery the Ape take her under their wings and guide her through the jungle, explaining individuality to her and teaching her that she should embrace who she is while learning to accept others for who they are and being brave when it seems everyone is against her. When Jane woke up, she was at school, but she felt different, stronger, and more confident. She learned a lot from her trip. Will you?

Jane Escapes to the Jungle of Individuality by Jennifer Nestor is a fun, educational storybook with some lovely illustrations. The story itself is a fun tale about a girl and her daydreams, but the underlying message is much stronger. It covers subjects like anxiety and bullying, and it talks about wanting to belong even though you feel different. It teaches kids about individuality, about learning to be strong in the face of adversity, and about accepting yourself for who you are. Everyone is different, it’s what makes the world go round, and this book will teach kids to be brave and that their individuality is their real strength. I loved this book. It is well-written and easy to read. It will bring joy to so many kids by helping them to realize that being different isn’t a bad thing and that they should embrace who they are wholeheartedly while learning to accept others for their individuality, too.