Jewels of Clay

Fiction - Paranormal
379 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jaqueline Neves for Readers' Favorite

Jewels of Clay by Cat Collins is a wild and hilarious fantasy ride that's unlike any gnome story you've ever heard. Terra, our quirky gnome protagonist (no, they are not like the garden statue types with red pointy hats), wants out of the human world and back to magical Aetheria. But there's a catch – she has to impress the Wolves, the gatekeepers to Aetheria. And trust me, they're not your typical big bad wolves. When Terra has to cook them a meal (sacrificing a fairy along the way), things get seriously complicated. She enters into a high-stakes contract of trials with a hot wolf judge and failing means her life is on the line. This book is a rollercoaster of humor, tension, and a sizzling connection on the brink of ignition, and you won't want to get off!

Cat Collins' writing shines in Jewels of Clay as she skillfully weaves a narrative that balances plot, pace, action, characters, and themes with finesse. The plot is engaging, offering a unique twist on the classic fantasy journey, and the pace keeps readers hooked from start to finish. The humor injected into the story adds a refreshing layer of charm, making it a joy to read. The characters are well-developed and relatable as they grapple with their heritage, self-discovery, and the courage to confront bullies. Themes of identity, resilience, and the power of connection are expertly explored. Overall, Jewels of Clay is a delightful read that combines fantasy, humor, and heart, making it a must-read for fans of the genre.