Juliet Stork

Mission North Pole

Children - Picture Book
56 Pages
Reviewed on 10/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Many cultures use the stork as the bearer of children. Chiara Sandri uses this theme to present a cute children’s story in Juliet Stork: Mission North Pole. Juliet is introduced as the only nurse who delivers babies from the World Baby Animal Nursery. Mommy and Daddy Polar Bear are awaiting the delivery of their precious baby, and Juliet is up to the task. She bundles up and flies to the North Pole. There, she sees some friends and spends time with them. Audrey Snow Fox makes Juliet her favorite dessert. Together, they learn the importance of friendship, the value of keeping promises, the kindness of sharing toys, and the bond that spending time together creates. Your child will enjoy this book and learn great lessons along the way.

In Juliet Stork: Mission North Pole by Chiara Sandri, your child will learn important life skills that will help them mature into responsible adults. While Juliet’s job of delivering babies is of the utmost importance, your child will learn other important skills to help them along the path. This book, written in easy-to-understand language, will enchant your child and keep them guessing who Juliet will meet next. Teaching your child what is important in life is vital to being a parent. Chiara is also the book's illustrator and does a great job. No matter how important a child’s playtime or an adult’s work time is, one must always remember to make time for friendship, kindness, and spending time with others. Even though Juliet is busy, she is never too busy to help others and be a true friend.